arriving at New Hampshire University

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Stef's: POV
As l arrived in Durham Manchester to visit my oldest daughter Callie who has been on my mind these last few days. The first thing I did was get checked into my hotel suite and had a quick shower and then called Lena to let her know l made it safely to my destination so she wouldn't have to worry. She seemed like she was half asleep. She said she just finishing up grading some papers
I drove down to Callie's dorm, l'm not looking forward to this conversation we're going have to have about what happened between her and her grandpa. As a mother l should've seen the signs that something wasn't right
Once Lena finds out she's going to be devastated and blame herself, but after finding Callie's diary in her bedroom. I wonder if my sister has piece together any clues while she helped mom cleaned out dads things when she was over Mom's house. Lena was more equip at talking with our girls, l pulled up to the dormitory and
Parked the rental car and got out walked up to the building. This explains why Callie always refused to come home on holidays, always saying that she was busy with school, when I entered inside l went up to the front desk
Yes l'm here to see Callie Adams foster l said to the young woman. Ma'am just here sign in the visitors log and you can wait in the lounge area she says to me as she picks up the phone to call down to Callie's room. I looked all around, this place looks better than the school l went to years ago. Everything was neatly clean, I took a seat what they called the lounge it looks more like a rec room
That had a floor model flat screen tv, a pool table
A book shelf filled with books and vendor machines
Magazines on the coffee table. When the young woman came into the room, l'm sorry miss she didn't answer when l called her room she says to me. Stef quickly stood up. What do you mean Callie didn't answer, l drove all the way here from los Angeles. l say to the resident advisor
Fucking unbelievable I said to myself, this isn't like Callie to bailed, I'll take my chances and wait until she comes back. Because this is a urgent matter that can't wait
I tell the girl, we'll suit yourself she tells me. I can't believe Callie would just disappear like that, unless she was to embarrassed because she feel like talking about what happened. I took out my cell phone and call Lena again
and tell her what's going on here, the phone rings and rings until someone picks up the receiver hello l say
Hi mama Francesca says to me. Hey sweetie is Mommy around l ask, hold on let me go get her she replies

Hi baby were you busy

No l was just finishing up with cooking dinner for Francesca and l. What's going on Stefanie Lena asks me

When I got to the dorm the resident advisor called Callie's to informed her that I was here to see her. Apparently Callie got word l was coming for a visit and took out
Are we bad parents for not checking up on our daughter
Lena this is not like Cal to not to just leave, I tell Lena

Maybe she just went to the library or went to grab a bite to eat. I'm sure she'll come back soon, l don't want you getting stress out over this whatever it is we'll get through it like a family, Lena told her wife

I hope so love it's just not like her it's been awhile since we've spoken to her over the phone and when we do
Callie always says she's been busy with school work or something. It's almost like she knows we want to talk to
I'm just glad we don't have to worry about Francesca
Other than that what's going on there Stef inquiries

Nothing much since you left this morning
Only that your mom called to invite me to lunch tomorrow Lena States.

Oh that was nice of her to invite you out to lunch
What's going on with miss Francesca she's been behaving herself while l'm out of town Stef questioned.

Quite the opposite she's been helping me out around the house. I got all the laundry all done and we went to the supermarket and purchased groceries for the month, other than that l was going to ask you when you come home. We could have a small dinner and invite Olivia over, Lena stated

The one that works at the university Stef said
She seems like a lovely person we can surely do that
Stef told Lena.

Look l have to go but remember what I said
Don't worry about Callie to me l'm sure she has legitimate explanation why she's been ghosting us these last few months Lena tells Stef.

The blonde takes in everything her wife says as she tells her wife she loves her.

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