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You switched your eyes open to meet a crowd of people dancing around to loud music. You could view the joy on their faces and the absence of stress in the swerving of their bodies.

But for some weird reason, you couldn't mirror their feelings. You couldn't follow the happy attitude or the untroubled faces. Something at the pit of your stomach refused to let you. You just couldn't exactly put your finger on what that was.

"Babe!", a cheerful voice called out your name and soon a pretty girl rushed to you, placing her arm around your shoulders, "I urgently need your help!"

You tensed up as her skin came to contact with yours. There was some weird vibe she emitted that made you uncomfortable. "With what?", you mumbled out.

"Ava!!", some random guy from a few steps across from you shouted impatiently.

The girl next to you looked up, signalling to him to wait a little bit longer.

She turned back to you, raising her eyebrows and sending you a sympathetic smile, "Babe, I need you to go to the cellar and grab some wine for me, okay?"

"There's a cellar?", you frowned. Why was there a cellar? How much money did the owner even have, to waste a whole damn room for wine?

"Of course there's a cellar!", she beamed with that overly bright attitude of hers, like it was a normal thing to say.

"And you want me to go there to grab a couple of bottles for you?", you asked for further clarification.

"I mean... if you mind, it's no problem, I can go too!", even though her mouth said one thing, the disappointment that suddenly took over her face said another.

"No, I don't mind! I'm on my way!", you smiled.
Whatever her reason for sending you down there was, you had no problem with helping her out. Especially since she was supposedly a friend of yours.

You asked Ava for directions to the said room and afterwards you trailed off looking for it. When you found the door, you were surprised you hadn't come across it earlier. It was standing out an unusual bunch.

You cracked the door open, choosing not to close it behind since the handle didn't seem like something you could easily put your trust on.

The lights were already on, something that puzzled you, but you didn't waste any time further questioning it. Climbing down the flat of stairs that were covered in parquet flooring, your shoes clicked against them.

With every step you took, the dim-lit space came more into your line of vision. Although you expected to be met with a dark and creepy basement, all you saw was a classy and well-designed room to specifically preserve the amounts of wine for however long necessary.

You admired the beautiful room with stone walls, scanning the furniture it consisted of. A set of shelves that went all the way up to the ceiling, a wooden table and a couple of seats next to it, a man dressed in black, more shelves...

Wait... A man?

Across the room, examining the labels and studying the different varieties of red wine, stood a guy with broad shoulders.

He didn't seem to have become aware of your presence, as the black dress jacket bringing out his back, perfectly showing it off was all you could see.

A sudden loud thud made the both of you turn at the noise.

"Oh my god! The door!", you panicked, turning to look at the top of the staircase.

"Relax, it opens from the inside too", the guy spoke up. His voice was soft and more soothing than you expected, weirdly managing to help you calm down.

And just like his voice, his facial features were soft too. Accompanied by black curly hair were chubby cheeks and almond-shaped eyes, while spread across his face were little sparks that added up to his bewitching beauty. His round features made the puppy-like creature too adorable to resist.

A second thud caught your attention again and soon the old rusty handle started bouncing all the way down to your feet. Step by step, it eventually stopped moving.

"Okay, we are officially trapped.", he announced weirdly unbothered by the whole situation, "You can freak out now.", he went back to staring at the bottles.

"Are you fucking serious?", you sighed, climbing up the stairs and trying to push the door open.

"Just enjoy the privilege of getting to spend some time with me", he raised the tone of his voice to make sure you heard him, "They'll eventually find us"

You scoffed, giving up on your efforts and looking down the stairs, where he stood now, "Privilege? Who do you even think you are?"

"Seungmin", he smiled cockily, "Kim Seungmin"

𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝗕𝗜𝗔𝗦? ⟿ 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐊𝐢𝐝𝐬Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt