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'Is he your final choice?'

A weird low voice coming from an unknown source made you switch your eyes open.

You groaned rubbing the sleep out of your eyesight. You looked next to you, where Changbin was still peacefully sleeping, furrowing your eyebrows.

"What the hell? Did I imagine it?", you mumbled, ruffling your hair.

'Is he your final choice?', the female voice repeated.

Your eyes widened and you let out a yelp, rushing to cover your mouth with your hand.

What the hell is that?

"What final choice?", you whispered.

'Should I take that as a no?'

"Who are you?", you looked around the dark room, kind of taken aback, trying to locate the source.

'You still think this is a dream, huh?', the voice chuckled, 'You do realise you were sleeping just now?'

"No, it can't be..."

'So you will pretend you weren't just screaming out his name? How about the dark red marks all over your neck? Is that all in your head?'

"Wh-what marks?", your hand instinctively reached to cover your neck.

'Awww, look who's getting shy now!", you heard the voice laugh, 'That's not how you acted earlier....'

You coughed awkwardly, "Not to be mean, but you low-key sound like a pervert", you mumbled.

'Oh shut up!', the woman scoffed, 'it's not like I was watching you the whole time! I have better things to do!'

"Oh? Like what? Is there someone else you need to scare the shit out of?"

'Stop changing the subject!', the voice grew louder, 'Are you convinced this isn't a dream or do I need to remind you of how sore and numb your legs feel?'

"No, thank you!", you were quick to refuse. You could only handle so much embarrassment at once.

As much as you wanted to keep on denying the truth, there were too many proof stopping you from doing so. You were confused. Something inside you refused to believe that all of that was some twisted version of reality.

"Then... Wh-What is happening?"

'Think about it... What were you doing just before weird stuff started occurring?'

You let out a sigh of annoyance, trying to think back to your previous actions.

It was Valentine's Day. You laid on your bed, watching couples that passed by and whining over how lonely it felt. And then... then you got a notification.

Of course! That darn game!

'Great! You finally figured it out!'

'Now, I need your answer. Is he your final choice?'

"No...", you let out, weirdly unfazed by the whole situation.

You might not have known what staying inside the game would mean for you, but you certainly weren't ready to go.

You wouldn't be. Not until you've met all of the members. After all, that was probably the closest you would ever get to them, you could never waste your chance!

You turned to face Changbin as he breathed in heavily. Thankfully, he was still sleeping as he didn't seem to be hearing the woman.

'Very well', the voice announced, 'Then you're off to the next level'

"Next level? But what about-"

You were halfway through your sentence when your eyes were forced closed. After that, all you could see was darkness.

𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝗕𝗜𝗔𝗦? ⟿ 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐊𝐢𝐝𝐬Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz