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You sighed upon being greeted by your 'favourite' game host.

"What happens if I do pick a bias?", was the first thing you managed to let out. The truth is, you had been thinking for the purpose of it all. If everything was in fact just for fun as she had pointed out earlier, there was no point for the game to even exist.

'Then you earn your happily ever after', she explained.

You arched your eyebrow in curiosity, "Just like that?"

'Just like that...'

"This doesn't sound right...", you shook your head.

If there was one thing life had taught you, it was to not let your guard down. If you do, people will always find a way to deceive and disappoint you.

'Whatever, it doesn't matter what you think! It's not like I make the rules anyway!'

'Okay, that's enough small talk again, you're off to the next level...'

For the first time, you didn't protest. It's not like there was a point to it anyway. Instead you were focused on her words. If she didn't make the rules, then who did?

And before you had the time to overthink and possibly figure the game out, you were engulfed back into the darkness's arms.


"Bring it on!"

The now all too familiar male shouting landed your consciousness back at the bottom of the stairs.

Ava was pushing through the crowd, laughing and greeting people as they waved and initiated casual conversations with her.

All the spotlight was on her and you weren't even mad about it. She was like a main character that escaped from some sort of novel.

You didn't know why, but your feet started taking you to her. You followed right behind her, struggling to keep your eyes on her form as people pressed their bodies against one another trapping you.

It took longer than you expected for you to find a way out of the mess. Once you were finally done being shoved here and there by random strangers, you found Ava and a few other people gathered around her kitchen counter and chatting.

Your eyes went straight on him, a wave of relief immediately washing over you. You knew you were going to come across this boy sooner or later, but it felt comforting knowing that the time had come.

His tinted honey skin was glowing as if the sun favoured only him. His fluffy brown hair was a little ruffled, perfectly falling just above his shoulders.

There was something in his aura that screamed expensive and authentic. It could be the designer clothes or his captivating cologne. Or maybe just his angelic face features that made it hard to believe he was real.

The truth was you expected nothing less from him. He didn't fail to live up to his prince reputation, as all he emitted from the moment you saw him was class and elegance.

"... if it's a fork and a spoon, do you call it a spork? Or do you call it....", he paused, every person around simping over his every word, "a foon?"

All your rational thoughts went down the drain when his Australian accent reached your ears. You were aware of how attractive his voice was, but hearing it in person made something inside you twitch.

That unexpected effect, in addition to his gorgeous gummy smile, brought shivers all the way down your body.

That man held the stars as well as the sun at the tips of his fingers and he was mercilessly attacking your heart with both.

A fit of loud laughter erupted around you. People clapped their hands together, some even crying from the amount of laughing that was done.

Despite the fact that what he said made zero sense, everyone was watching him with nothing but adoration. They loved him for it and you weren't ashamed to admit that so did you.

His eyes slowly traced up to meet your own, his smile growing wider in an instant.

You flashed a smile back, feeling your cheeks get warmer before him. It made you nervous how some sort of mischievous glow hid behind his sweet 'innocent' glance.

You hesitated when he started approaching you, everyone's eyes falling on your figure. You let out an awkward giggle as his steps stopped right in front of you.

"Hello!", he beamed, "Nice to meet you, I'm Lee Felix"

𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒆 𝒎𝒚 𝗕𝗜𝗔𝗦? ⟿ 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐊𝐢𝐝𝐬Where stories live. Discover now