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A knock on the door pulled both zhan and yibo's attention towards it and zhan groaned

He was happily laying on the bed with yibo wrapped in his arms and then someone just interrupted his peace and zhan rolled his eyes

'Zhan' came a voice outside and it was Cheng but zhan just buried his face on Yibo's neck and ignored the calls

'Go open the door gege' yibo said while caressing Zhan's hair and zhan just nuzzled his nose on yibo's neck

'Don't wanna I'm busy' he replied and yibo giggled 'busy doing what gege? You are just laying on the bed.'

'That's work' zhan grumbled before pulling yibo by his waist and yibo gasped

'First of all get your thing out of me zhan ge why are you still inside oh my god' yibo said gasping

'It's warm there' zhan replied without caring

'Oh my god xiao zhan'yibo rolled his eyes in disbelief 'fucking get out of me goodness you broke me' he said trying to pull Xiao Zhan out of his neck so he can see his face

'You started and I warned you' zhan said with smug smirk and it took everything in yibo to not smack the elder on the back of his head

'Sean Xiao Zhan do you hear me come out of your room if you don't want us to break the door down!' cheng screamed from outside

And this time zhan looked up towards the door and replied 'I'm busy cheng-' but he couldn't finish yibo replied before he could finish 'give us 10 minutes gege we will be out' while glaring at xiao zhan

'You two better be' cheng replied and they heard his footsteps leaving from the door and zhan's lips curved in a naughty mischievous smirk as he gave a subtle thrust and yibo's eyes widen as he gasped

'ARE YOU HUMAN?WHY ARE YOU INSATIABLE?YOU ARE STILL NOT DONE AFTER WE JUST DID IT FOR 3 ROUNDS?' Yibo asked in disbelief and zhan's smirk turned into a pout 'i used to
Fuck you for hours going 5-6 rounds you are the one losing stamina'  and he bent down kissing yibo on the side of his lips but he was pushed away as yibo glared at him 'Get your thing out of me or else I'll kick your thing so hard you won't be able to  use it ever' he threatened

'Too much talking for someone who was begging me to fuck him' zhan said rolling his eyes and gave another thrust

'Xiao zh- ohhh oh my god zhan ge please I'm sensitive and I'm tired get of me we need to get fresh cheng gege is calling us it must be urgent' yibo tried to push zhan off

'I don't wan- ohh my' zhan gasped when yibo pushed him of and turned their position on the bed and now he is on top of zhan

'You insatiable beast needs to tell your junior to get a grip and behave before I lose my mind and cut your tiny dick into pieces and make fries out of it' and zhan gulped 'what the hell is wrong with yibo' he wondered

Yibo slowly tried to get of the dick that is already semi-hard and he rolled his eyes at the feeling

His legs are shaking with the way zhan fucked him few minutes ago yibo wasn't expecting that all zhan's emotions were out of his dick

As he ploped out of it and fell on the bed with a gasp zhan looked him relaxed with his hands behind his head on the pillow with a smug smile on his face

'Come on get up gege let's get fresh' yibo said pulling on zhan's hand and zhan rolled his eyes before he sat up lazily and looked at yibo mumbling a low 'Why so eager to go out' zhan said and pulled yibo on his lap and wrapped his arms under his knees and on his back before walking towards the washroom to get fresh.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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