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Zhan is sitting on the sofa while yibo is slowly cleaning his face with a wet tissue both of them are calm and silent yet the house is not

The loud nagging voice along with some occasional giggle and whispers could be heard

It's none other than cheng who is nagging both yibo and zhan while cleaning the room that both of them messed up this morning

And Lulu and mr.jiang is sitting on another couch looking at everything while giggling

"I can't believe zhan  you are elder than him how could you do this?" Cheng asked for the seventh time making both yibo and zhan look at each other guiltily

"And yibo my goodness you are not a child to do this I've never seen you being this immature to wake up and eat ice-creams and that also sitting infront of the freezer early in the morning seriously?what are you?three years old kid!"cheng scolded yibo and yibo sighed

Too much, he himself is wondering why this is happening with him since last night crying laughing doing dumb shit...he himself is pissed with his own doing but enough is enough cheng ge is being to much and he hate to accept it but he is on a verge of crying

He sniffed as his eyes filled with tears and he threw the tissue that he was using to wipe the now already cleaned face of xiao zhan and broke into tears making everyone in the room fall silent

"I don't understand myself why but I was just having ice creams and zhan ge scolded me in the morning and now you cheng ge...i can't believe y'all hate me so much....just because of ice cream now everyone hate me" he sat down next to xiao zhan and looked at him

Eyes wide hoping for zhan to take his side and say something to cheng yet zhan sat there dumbfounded looking at yibo wondering if yibo is alright

And his silence was the last straw yibo needed to screw and boom now he is yelling and crying and cursing zhan at the same time forgetting everyone and everything

His all attention turned to xiao zhan and now xiao zhan is his scrape goat

"Right Sean xiao zhan this is what I expected from you to keep quite even when everyone is scolding me is this how much you hate me how can you even hate me what have i done to you...you crazy man...if it was your favourite girl lusi here you'd have yelled at everyone for scolding her but it's me yibo and you hate me so you are enjoying everyone scolding me and hating me what have i done just ate some ice creams is it my fault that it was hot i couldn't sit anywhere but infront of the freezer and I was craving some ice creams...afterall I live with this bitter man all day I also need some sugar to keep balance...beside you know what I also hate you, you girrafe,pig,clown, hippopotamus,croco- ahhh"

He couldn't finish as he felt himself suddenly on the air being lifted by two hands making him scared to loose balance he immidiately wrap his hands around the said man and looked at him wide eyes and confused

"Another word from your mouth before we go to our room and i know very well how to shut you up in my own ways" zhan said sternly and yibo stilled his cheeks flushed and stomach tingled and he decided to keep quite

At this point xiao zhan looks really hot in his eyes and he is loving the secure feelings being in the man's arms all the crying cursing and yelling few minutes ago left his mind

"Stop looking at me" zhan grumbled but a faint shade of red can be seen in his ears

"Why?"yibo asked smiling sweetly and zhan looked at his confused and scared

"What's wrong with you?" zhan said as he opened the door with yibo in his arms and turned around and locked the door and walked on the now clean bed and sat with yibo in his laps

SLAVE(Zhanyi fanfiction)ELISIAWhere stories live. Discover now