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Continuation of the previous story yibo was telling:

"Very soon the day he feared the day he hated the most came to reality..

The family who killed his parents came to kill his new family and there was nothing in his mind going on than how to save all of them

He didn't knew what to do how to help as he was just 12 and there were so many men with guns just entered the mansion and without mercy started shooting anyone coming in their way..they didn't speared anyone ..not even servants

So the Little boy could think of only one option and that to kill the family temporary so they can survive the real death" tears rolled down from yibo's eyes he is by now sobbing remembering all the past that he has hidden in his heart all the truth that he had kept with himself he is finally talking it out loud ...the burden is slowly lifting from his shoulder a big stone is slipping from his heart

The only person who saved him after his familys death the only person who knew his truth and still accepted him..the only one who wasn't afraid to show off their friendship to everyone is xiao zhan and finally he is telling him the biggest truth of his life

Xiao zhan who was listening all this and already started making the story in his head is also crying silently he looked up at yibo and without hesitation pulled him to his embrace and hugged him tightly "please yibo i understand this are very strong emotions for you and hard to talk about memories but i need to know" zhan cried hiding his face on yibo's neck.."i need to know what has happened i need to know please yibo" zhan cried his hand on yibo's head caresing

Yibo sniffed zhan scent and took a deep breath "yeah I'll tell you everything zhan ge ...trust me Today i won't hide a single secret from you..you are right it's my fault to not tell you all the truth for which both of us sufferered..i don't want to hide anything anymore we need to fight together this time to finish the dirty game to finish the sinners who ruined your and mine life" yibo said and pulled away from zhan's embrace

"And you should start calling yourself with your name instead of That little boy" ...zhan said patting his head and yibo nodded

"I decided to poison mamma" yibo said quitely and zhan's eyes widen
"No gege please don't react let me finish" yibo panicked

"I only put a little poison on her tea so she lose consciousness and the people don't shot her but if only I knew they has so much anger and hatered in them that they wouldn't stop shooting a possible dead body i wouldn't have poisoned her" yibo cried

"S-so y-you poisoned her to save her??" Zhan asked eyes widen

"Yess but they hated her so much they still shoot her to vent their anger but i wasn't there i ran upstairs to papa cause my sister was there with him and i needed to save them" yibo replied calmly

"So i went upstairs and they weren't up their so papa and ziyi was only there.

Ziyi fell asleep  so i decided to hide her in the closet and before i could told papa i heard their footsteps and at that moment i couldn't help to understand what to do... that's when papa called my name and threw a gun at me i was shocked i thought he asked me to go out and fight them and i was scared but Papa's next words were scarier zhan ge"

Shoot me yibo shoot me fast he yelled but how can I shoot him i couldn't..but he insisted he told me it's the only way to save them and when the footsteps were close i was scared i still didn't wanted to shoot him but when i heard the door banging open i just shoot him mistakenly...trust me zhan ge i didn't wanted to shoot him my fingers moved on it's own" yibo sobbed

Zhan is too shocked to react he is listening to him with expression less face

"It was then the siren of police came and i realised police is already there and not so soon i heard some footsteps and when the door opened in the room we were

It was you standing there looking at me and then papa with wide eyes and tear stained face

It broke me so bad and before anything happened dad(Jiang fengmian) came to the room and pulled you away before you can say anything

And as the police was searching and looking for the people dead downstairs dad came to me and asked me where my sister is i was scared i thought the police will take me away and my sister's life will be over but dad assured me that he will take care of this at first i was confused scared that how he knows and if he is playing me

It's not until dad pulled out a paper from his pocket and gave me it was from papa who had arranged all this he knew they will come he had everything planned and dad knows it all and for the time being i should listen to him

I told dad about ziyi and soon he pulled ziyi papa and me out of the room before police came in..and from the back door there was an ambulance mamma was already there and so was mom(yu ziyuan) we all left from there but dad stayed there and he decided to execute the plan that papa left for him

And decided to burn the house ..for the police hadn't searched the entire house and as soon as it was smooky and they realised there was fire they ran out and therefore after the fire is gone there wasn't your parents body"

Zhan was holding his breath all this time as he shakily asked

"You mean to say my parents are still alive??"he asked

"Yes they are." yibo smiled softly looking at zhan's face

Another chapter done...next chapter soon... anyways typed in hurry so mistakes must be there...it must look boring I'll try to make it interesting in the next chapters... hopefully you guys understand...take care love y'all

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