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Yibo woke up hearing the sound of constant knocking in the bathroom door

He didn't noticed when he fell asleep in the bathroom

He groned as he felt the after effect of his last night deeds..his head is hurting so much..he opened his eyes with a little difficulty as the lights hitting his eyes

He looked at himself half sitting half lying on the bathtub his body parts aching and he is feeling nauseous

He slowly  get up as he walked near the bathroom door and opened it slowly

He didn't expected himself to get hugged by a big warm chest

"Master" yibo inhaled zhan's cologne as he relaxed he could hear the rapid heartbeat of zhan

"What were you doing in the washroom baby?"zhan asked worried

"Ummm i- i was just getting fresh"  yibo shuttered still in zhan's arms tightly holding him  as if the elder was scared out of his life

"I can see that"..zhan said sarcastically..and then suddenly zhan pulled yibo's face away from him and looked at his eyes

His eyes were red & puffy dried tears stain was clear in his cheek and slowly his eyes traveled to yibo's waist..zhan clenched his teeths closing his eyes "why you did this?" Zhan asked coldly

Yibo shivered at his tone.."master i-"...yibo wanted to tell zhan but at this time no..he knows his answer will make zhan hurt him more even with this weak state..but he cant tell the truth..not now

"There wasn't any written rules that said self harming is not allowed" yibo said with his head lowered..as he expected zhan to do something to him instead he felt himself flying...zhan princess carried him to the bed  and put him down there

"Take rest don't go out of this room..lemme get fresh we will talk" zhan used his cold voice that made yibo flinch and tear up immidiatey

Zhan sighed..looking at the small boy sitting infront of him..shivering..and scared..zhan got the blanket wrapped around yibo and patted his head gently...wiped  his tears and give a peak on his lips and went towards the washroom..

Yibo sighed..

Zhan went inside the wash room and opened the tap of water as he started splashing water on his face to cool down he looked at the mirror and clenched his teeths

He opened the bathroom shelf and noticed the shaving box...he took that out and opened it as he found one blade is out of the pack..

He didn't said anything got fresh and came out of washroom as he saw yibo fell asleep while sitting like that..

He came near yibo and unwraped the blanket of him..then he sat on the bed and put him on his laps..with yibos head resting on his chest

"Baby" he called
"Umm" yibo replied still sleeping..like he can feel his surroundings..yet he is sleeping..he is tired and his body is giving up for it

"I know you are sleepy but lets take a shower and then get breakfast and then you can sleep okay" zhan said in his gentlest tone

Yibo in his half sleep just nodded

Zhan siged and took yibo up in princess style..he took yibo to the washroom as he made him sit on the slab he opened yibos shirt at first slowly not to disturb the half sleeping baby his eyes did noticed the red marks on his wrist..that looked fresh..he closed his eyes trying compose himself and not to brust out..he took out yibos pants and underwear..and now yibo is naked infront of his prying eyes...yet his heart didn't wanted to hurt the boy today..

"Master" yibo called
"Mnn lets go" zhan replied taking yibo and put him inside the tub

"Take showere I'll come back after you are done" zhan said and was about to leave when yibo hols his hand

"I wanna sleep" yibo whined a little out of his character
Zhan sighed he knows yibos brain ain't functioning properly rn..

He nooded and sat inside the tub yibo immidiatey went to zhan and hugged him..hid his face on zhans chest and fell asleep comfortably

"Yaa brat" zhan hissed..but then sighed...he bathed yibo changed his dress applied ointment on his wounds tucked him in the bed and went out of the room

Zhans facial expression changed to cold he went downstairs as everyone there gulped looking at his face

"I clearly said not to put any sharp thing in our room who put the shaving box there?"zhan asked coldly...his voice calm yet deadly

Cheng shivered... "i- i told the maids to do it ..i don't know why they didn't...why what happened?" He asked

"Which maid did it call her right now" zhan growled

Mrs.yu immidiatey called all the maid

They all stood straigh infront of zhan with their head lowered

"Who did my room?"zhan asked coldly

One maid came out shivering badly and immidiatey sat on her knees infront of zhan

"Ma-master i-i did your room" she shuttered

Zhan immidiatey went near her hold her hand and pulled her up
"I clearly mentioned not to put any sharp items in my room..then why did you?"

"I'm sorry master i didn't mean to..i just forgot to not put the shaving bag there..I'm so sorry"

Zhan let go of her arms from his grip as she took steps back

"I'm clearly ordering it everyone here listen to me clearly one mistake and i won't let anyone go..yibo has suicide tendencies..he should always be infront of our eyes even when im not here..and do not o repeat DO NOT LET YIBO USE ANY SHARP THINGS..LIKE BLADE KNIFE SCISSORS ALONE IN PRIVATE...if anything happenes to him i won't spare anyone...i repeat I WON'T SPARE A.N.Y.O.N.E clear? He said coldly everyone nodded even mr.and mrs.jiyang nodded...they don't even wanna witness his anger...thats the worst thing..

Enjoy!i won't say much...sorry for the delay...mistaked ahead...cause i finished it in 30 minutes

SLAVE(Zhanyi fanfiction)ELISIAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora