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Sitting in his cabin xiao zhan wondered how he can catch yibo red handed...at this point he don't even know what is happening anymore... what was his fault...where did he went wrong...he tried to be the best version of him... always did good to others then why is god so cruel with him and took everything from his life...his parents his childhood..his best friend...his first ever love...he was just 16 when he saw his mom lying on the cold floor pale and breathless..and before he could understand  a loud bang caught his attention as he ran to the direction of the sound..he saw the most shocking scene of his life...how could he forget all those...the scene where his father was lying on blood pool with a bullet on his stomach..

And the person standing infront of him with a gun in his hand was none other than yibo... he almost passed out...the emotions damage was too much...

Before his body could touch the ground someone else pulled him close and and ran out of the house....

He don't remember anything anymore...all he hear after waking up there house was set on fire...and yibo is nowhere to be found... beside his parents body wasn't found anywhere..the cctv footage of the house showed yibo mixing something on the food that his mom ate and turned out he poisoned her...he still can't find out why would he do that..when both of his parents loved cared gave him shelter...took his sister as his own..speaking of sister...xiao zhan still don't know where the little girl is...she vanished from the face of earth..he found nothing related to her... coming back from abroad after 7 years when he finally decided to investigate it in his own...he found only yibo...living in a cheap apartment ...the first time he saw him after years he can't describe what he felt..relief that yibo is alive or disghut that his parents murder is alive..he wanted to confront him directly...wanted to come out of his car and go to him and ask why what was the reason but before that he found out yibo has forgotten his past...the fire in the house made him trumatized and forget whatever happened..orelse why would the son of a billionaire businessesman will work in cafe,wash cars to earn money

Nope not only this he found out yibo is in urgent need of money so for the first time the hatred mixed with his desire to have the boy made him plan the cruelest way to torture him...to bound him with him...but a certain part of him was hoping yibo didn't had a memory loss .. meeting him and talking him..even tho it looked 100% true of his memory loss..one part of him couldn't be so sure..

And just like this the contract was signed and zhan tried every method to test his limits where he can break yibo and make him confess...but what he didn't realised..his love and yibo's innocence..that now he know is all fake made him fall for him more...each and everday it's all a fake drama...he was lied faked and hurt again...now hurting the boy hurts him more than anything... he just want yibo to confess for once and stop all the torture

His thoughts broke when someone entered the room in full speed he sighed.. he'll have to accept the truth

"Sean xiao zhan where is Wang yibo??!!!"yelled none other than Jiang cheng

"I don't-"he was cut off when Jiang cheng held his collar harshly

"Don't give me any kind of bullshit xiao zhan" ...he said gritting his teeth

Zhan held the hand that was holding his collar and forcefull removed them..."be in ur limits Jiang cheng...when i said idk..that means idk" he said very calmly..

"Are you kidding me xiao zhan..Wang yibo is missing for 3 days..we have no trace of him.. nothing where the boy went and how are you so calm zhan?" cheng asked puzzled

"Why would I be stressed I don't care...if he is alive he will be back if he is dead who cares... that's what I want..him dead...a bloody murdered...a pathetic being" xiao zhan split with venom


Xiao zhan looked back at Jiang cheng as he fell on the floor on his kness eyes downcast hopeless

"Don't talk about what you don't know...you don't know what he have done for you..what sacrifices he made..how much he went through..and even after that it wasn't enough that u yourself decided to bring him under your watch to torment him...that innocent being-"

"What did you said??!"xiao zhan who was listening all this snapped

"Innocent??!you say innocent!!from where...a guy from Street whom we gave place to stay with us...food on his plate decided to murder my parents...if i was there he would've shoot me or poisoned me 2..."xiao zhan yelled out loud

"Nooo xiao zhan no... everything is not as fine as it seems ....there is so many things that's you don't know..please tell me where is yibo...zhan don't do anything bad with him...you will regret" cheng said between his sons

"And what is making you think i have him??"zhan asked coldly

"Isn't it absolutely 100% clear with your coldness...even mom dad is trying their best but no avail" cheng stood up and looked straight to xiao zhan's eyes..."if anything happens to him i won't spare you" he said and left the cabin

Aa he walked out of the ceo's cabin he took out his phone and called a number

"Hello"~ the person on the other side picked up his call

"I have convinced him that yibo has no extra powers rather he is innocent and ordinary"~ cheng said with a sigh

"Good and don't worry this is the final blow ...the hide and seek love and revenge game will end soon"~the guy wfrom the other side replied with a sigh

"But i still don't know where yibo is"~ cheng asked worried

"He is on my watch...he is safe he will be alive and okay he is the main player of the game"~ the person from the other side smirked and cheng felt it

"He is fragile please take care of him-"~ cheng couldn't finish his words when the person from the next side laughed Mockingly

"You think I'm the one who has him...i just have him in my watch ...he is kept locked by xiao zhan ..that with his own will...so all i can do is follow him and wait for his next step...i do nothing just sit and obey"~ and cut the call without any further word

Cheng stood there frozen with wide eyes...xiao zhan kept him locked ..and what he did with him..and why suddenly did that?!all these questions were roaming in his head before he took a deep breath to finally accept that it's no joke to understand Wang yibo .. it's better to wait and watch and do what he was told...with this thought he walked out got in his cab and drive towards the hospital..where the most fragile and important treasure of wang yibo is lying on the hospital bed motionless for  7 years

Opening his still blurry eyes Wang yibo groaned out in pain his entire body along with his head hurts... looking at the ceiling he didn't even need to look around to realise he is in the same room..it's been 3 days and he is locked up in this room..the torture cell probably where xiao zhan locked him 3 days ago...

Hello hoomans!!!me with a new update and beside soon this will end...the book is real closer to ending...so keep updated and vote comments and forgive me for mistakes..and instead of asking me for updates vote guyz don't be silent.

I have an exam from 28th Jan to 4th Feb and after that I'll update again ..i really can't help it guys exams are always on top tier...like i just finished one sem and the new sem is here already...i have to focus on study orelse imma fail ..so please wait as I'm preparing plots that i will write after exam and update by now be happy with this smol update


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