Ch 28

771 64 29

Edited by Creepy-Face

It was quiet. As usual, ever since the younger one was lost; everyone was filled with guilt. The plates clanked as forks and knives moved slowly. Suddenly his Father began to clear his throat,
"So I've heard you've been having nightmares lately Nicholy?" he said, addressing the oldest. I suddenly looked at Nicholy,
'He never told me about that'. He immediately avoided my gaze once he meant mine. I raised an eyebrow.

"It's nothing serious," he said to our Father, focusing on his food. I frowned slightly, suddenly feeling even more depressed than when I woke up. Taking a bite of my egg before I went to take a sip of my milk when a thought suddenly came to mind.
‘He used to love milk, I wonder if he still likes it.'
A mirage of thoughts then came crashing down.
'What if he was captured? What if he hasn't eaten in days? What if he's been living a life of complete hell? What if...he's dead'
My eyes immediately widened at my last thought, and the glass of milk slipped out of my fingers onto the floor.

The sound of the glass smashing on the floor immediately woke me up from my stupor. Everyone immediately looked at me in shock. My face reddened slightly as I apologized
"It's okay Andrew, are you not feeling well?" My Father asked, looking at me worriedly. My siblings also made sounds of worry after him.
'As the youngest, was he ever faced with such love?'
I suddenly felt a bit sick and didn't feel like eating anymore.

"Yes,I'm okay, may I be excused?"

"Of course" Father replied. I moved up slowly before quickly exiting the dining hall as quietly as he could. I had sword lessons the whole day today. After all I had better get ready. After walking to my room I then called for a maid.
"Yes master?" She asked in a polite tone, showing her respect.
‘So respectful, I remembered even ones just like these would even spit at him when seeing him'
I immediately shook away those thoughts and turned to the maid in front of me.
"Yes, please pick out a suitable outfit for sword practice today and then you can leave."
"Right away second young master."      The maid then went to do her duties. I then sat down to write some notes for etiquette. If my mind was free I think I would die from the guilt that I would feel when I thought about those thoughts.

As he watched Andrew leave the dining table, Nicholy couldn't help but feel a tad bit guilty.
'He's probably wondering why I didn't tell him,' he thought to himself. But how could he confess about those nightmares when they were so shameful? How was he supposed to tell them about those nightmares where he would beat their poor little brother without mercy? His screams were louder than he remembered. In those dreams he felt like a spectator watching his past self abuse the youngest. No matter what he said or did nothing could be done to stop the things happening in front of him.

He remembered that when their Mother died he was so sad and angry. He thought it made sense to bully the cause of it all. His Father never stopped him, and so he continued with his antics. He remembered locking him up one day in the broom closet and leaving him there for a whole night. The next day he only remembered to let out after lunch and when he finally let him out the other was shivering his eyes wild and looking around. His already shabby clothes looked even shabbier, his forearms filled with scratches.

It was raining heavily that night and there was a lot of lightning. He remembered feeling a sense of accomplishment whenever the rain fell and lightning flashed. He would personally go the journey to Ali's abandoned manor where he was casted away, and then lock him outside in the raging storm. Then watched him cry and scream in terror in the rain from one of the old manor rooms while his servants fixed it up for him to sleep the night.

If Ali got sick so what? A Mother killing beast like him deserves it. It got so bad Ali would even tremble slightly when he saw him, and yet the stupid Neko would still come tremblingly to tell him hello only for him to be bullied again. Yet again remembering the loud screams of terror that once brought him pleasure and now caused him pain from his last nightmare. Tears stung his eyes as guilt and anger ate at his heart.

Guilty for the things he had done. Anger at himself for doing those things; he was so stupid! He clenched his fists and fought back his tears.
"Father, may I be excused?" he asked, his voice cracking ever so slightly. His Father seems to have detected it, and was about to say something before pressing his lips together.
"You may,"  he answered softly. Nicholy nodded before getting up
"Father may I also be excused?"
Virina also asked.

Duke Nevermorth paused slightly before nodding hesitantly. Virina smiled slightly "Thank you Father."
She rushed to catch up to Nicholy. Duke Nevermorth watched her leaving back for a while. Before slowly staring back to eat his food. His eyes became a bit distant.

Once Virina caught up with Nicholy she was a bit shocked by his teary face. Once she recovered, and immediately began patting his back.
"It's okay" she said in a comforting voice. Nicholy's tears however seemed to only fall faster; like a raging stream.
“Do you think he would forgive me?"
he asked in a soft voice once he calmed down enough. Virina shook her head
"Only time can tell"
She was also not proud of the things she had done.
"We can only hope and try our best to change his mind" she then tried to muster up a smile
"After he's seen how much we have changed there's a chance he might forgive us, he was always so forgiving..."
Her voice became a bit lower at the end.

What was meant as comforting words suddenly became mocking in both their ears.

Don't worry guys I'm alive 😌.
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