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I don't have a crush on her.

I know what you're thinking.

You're calling bullshit.

The you in question is the left side of my brain, compelling my stubborn right side to currently not to do what I'm about to do.

Walking my ass to the main office to obtain Dahlia's file. I'm not being creepy, I just need to know more. It's rare that a scholarship student makes it past Colette for more than a day or two. Normally, the new student goes under Colette's wing for her 'guidance', and after a couple of nights, the student moves to one of the less furnished dorms to room with someone else. The school sees her as a 'rare jewel' for the kindness of taking care of the new girls. They don't know her like I do- she always has an agenda. The fact that Dahlia hasn't moved out makes me worried for her.

And, admittedly, she has piqued my interest. I saw her last night. It was like she expected me to hurt her. She almost flinched when I raised my hand above her to grab something.

Fuck. Some of the guys are in the main office already. I check my schedule- there isn't any other time for me to come in. Just got to do it now.

"Hey Sandy," I purr.

"Nicholas, working out since the summer?" Our resident school secretary bats her lashes at me as I see Ashton and Aki roll their eyes. They know she has a soft spot for me, and now they know I'm going to exploit the shit out of it.

"Only for you" I drawl, playfully winking. I see the tips of her ears turn red as she stands at her desk in the linen grey work outfit she's worn daily.

"What can I help you with?" She asks, voice pitchier than normal. Primed and ready.

"I'm here to get a student's file," I say, praying Aki and Ashton are too involved in their conversation to hear mine.

"Nicholas, you know I can't. I could lose my job-"

I blow out a heavy breath. "I think she's in a bit of trouble at school, you know, academically. I'm assigned to tutor her and need to see her class record from her old school." The lie rolls off my tongue like butter.

"Dahlia Hayes." I look around. Ashton left, but Aki stood right there eyeing me. Fuck.

Sandy raises an eyebrow, handing me the files. She's obviously skeptical. I crack open the file, which is paper thin. A couple of vomiting incidents, but that's about it. Pristine grades. I slap it shut and hand it back.

"Thank you, Sands." I singsong, returning the file. I walk out of the office with Aki on my trail.

"Dude, what the fuck do you need Dahlia's file for?" Aki asks, seeming offended.

"Why, you like her?" Better not.

"No, but your best friend does!"

"What, Ashton?" I bite.

"Yes! The fuck? Tell me you've noticed. She's the only one on his dorm wall, the only friend from 'back home' he talks about, and don't even mention that hug he gave her when they reunited."

I stay silent. I hadn't noticed. Not really. I didn't notice anything except the last one, which is fucking weird, because I notice everything. It had gotten to the point where I could read an entire personality with a look at their body language.

"Jesus, you really haven't. What's gotten into you with her?"

"Nothing. Just saw her in class."

"Bullshit. You don't pay attention to pretty girls. What's different with this one?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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