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I fucking hate school. 

Not just because it's a waste of time, but because it's a complete waste- I spend hours upon hours drilling shit that I already know back into my brain. I swear, I've wasted every hour of math I've ever taken with the way I learnt all of it three years before anyone else did. 

But here we are, five in the morning. Dad away on business in Sri Lanka with the president, discussing some type of trade law that'll be instigated next year, mom in Paris planning her next look and the met with Donatella Versace. People don't realize, that being rich is great- being a royal is great- but there's the work that comes with it. Absent parents, their need to randomly reproduce, empty big palace, empty big room down the hallway, lead to ...

My arm around my little sister, her ear pressing against my neck as my inner alarm clock wakes me back up. Something about me: everything in my life is regimented. I don't set any alarms because the routine has been redone again and again since the moment I turned 12. I chug the ice water from the table, still lying down, and pray for a force that can will me out of bed. As softly as I can, I lightly pry Charlotte's small arm from my bicep and rest it back onto the pillow. Yes. Now let me just walk to the bathroom and crawl out...

Fuck. Light sleeping is fucking genetic. I swear under my breath as I hear her childish wake-up yawn. Her small hand grips my neck, her small eyes lightly blink at mine, and her small lips form a small pout. At this second, I inwardly groan because I know she'll beg me to stay. And I inwardly sigh because I know I'll agree.  

"Char, I have to go to the gym, it's the first day of school, why don't you get some rest-"

"No! Please, I cam't stay here alone, Amtie is scary and she'll kmow I'm here again!" 

I roll my eyes because I really couldn't say no to that. People who say they hate their little sisters are lying, because I think I'd do just about anything for mine. She's had panic attacks since she was 4, she's about 6 now and they still haven't gone away. Small crowds, big crowds, loud sounds, and chronic and constant nightmares (huh, that's hereditary too) are all part of the Hawthrone family package. Add in some trauma and neglect for some flavor and congrats- the VIP package. 

She clings onto my arm like a koala hanging onto a singular tree branch dangled off a cliff. The only thing I could do was compromise. "You want to come to the gym with me? You can sit on the chairs and sleep." She shakes her head and I know exactly what to do. Walk down the long ass stairs down the west wing. "I'll make you hot chocolate." I can feel her nod against my elbow. 

Future negotiator, that one. 

An hour and a half later, I finally finish my set with a loud thud, then take a quick 8 minute shower, check the time- 6:49. Charlotte is dead asleep on the bench, two cups of hot chocolate later (those stairs were my cardio). I hold her against me and haul her up in my arms, trudging back to her room against my chest. 

The ironed, steamed and pressed uniform sits primply on my desk, which will most definitely be ruined along with the two backups within the first couple hours of dorm living. I shrug that on and swallow down my chicken and rice for the fifteenth time this week. Dull. Boring. Builds muscle. 

At 7:38, I get into the bulletproof Rolls Royce snugly, with Charlotte again tucked into my arm as we settle into the back seat. 

"Luggage in the back sir," unnamed guard mumbles, and I barely spare him a nod. I couldn't do this today. 


For christs sake, they do this every year. That honor and valor shit, like they aren't aware half the class hold a drug party once a week. 

"Hawthrone, you coming to the party today?" Aki nudges me with a (terrifyingly sad attempt) of a whisper. We've been friends for ages, son of a very highly ranked Japanese general who serve the royal family. Parents did business, obviously.  

"No, don't think so." 

"C'mon man, no one will go if you don't. You know that, and I really, really need Layla to show up." I can't even hold in the snicker at his blatant desperation. 

"How about you go train for football? Those calves are soft as fuck. Maybe then Layla will take a sneak peek at you." I tease.

"Bro! No, I swear when I bumped into her in Mykonos this summer she totally gave me the 'fuck me on this dance floor eyes' when-" That snicker turns into a full on cackle. Who am I to deny him his fun? I was gonna go anyway, but seeing him all moony eyed really gave me the blackmail I needed.  

Now Layla Winters I had no idea why. Mykonos, parents helicopter, empty hotel room, zero adult supervision, Aki? Enough said. He had some game where he would piss off his parents by dating girls they would never approve of on purpose. 

"I'll think about it." 

"Nick, please-" 

The vice principal shoots us a glare, and Aki immediately shuts up. The second she looks away, he sticks a middle finger up at her that send a few spectators (fangirls, both of us) whispering. 

Yeah, we're back. 

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