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"Right, so... what's your house? I'll walk you." Ashton says, nonchalantly slinging an arm around my shoulder, obviously oblivious to the ten people in the hallway who not so subtly spin on their heels to stare at us. 

I open the crumpled piece of paper stashed in my pocket. 

"Generosity! Shit, I've had one too many hookups there, the house maiden has me on watch. On watch. So many girls have vented about me to her uptight ass if I go within a two-meter radius of the third floor she boots me out." 

"Oh! Is it bad? Is there a difference between the houses?" I ask, tailing after him. The silver signs for the female houses hang from the ceiling: generosity, candor, erudite, and kindness. Ashton halts, leaning toward me. 

"Erudite has the bitchy-est house maiden, kindness has the closest proximity to classes, candor has the least bitchy house maiden, you can bribe her to get into the dorms," he whispers, lowering his voice. I snort. He obviously speaks from experience. 

"and generosity has the biggest dorms and the hottest girls. A quarter of the girl's parents pay extra just to get them the best rooms there. Definitely not the best from the outside, but... congratulations." He winks. We pass through the gardens, the dock (for the yachts and sailing team meets, duh) and the greenhouse. More and more people turn to stare at us, but Ashton continues to be blissfully unaware, talking me through the rules and the silent rules. Never date  the dauntless boys, will break your heart. Trashiest dorms, and the worst showers (by school comparison, obviously fit for kings). The ambition boys are alright but its an open secret that its where most of the school delinquents are put into, ironically. The valor ones are the best, (Ashton is in it, so definitely prone to biased reasoning). 

We skid to a stop as we face the massive building. Floor-to-ceiling glass windows, and meticulously trimmed plants circling the whole thing. 

"Not the best from the outside?" I breathe, disbelievingly. 

Ashton chuckles again. "Definitely better than whatever we find at home, but compared to the other dorms, it isn't much, trust me. Kindness has a private gym away from the public facility because one of the parents complained the public one was too crowded. They donated it." 

I look back at him, and see the boy I spent my childhood forever with. We barely scraped enough money together to buy popsicles at the stand. It would take us a week to save up from scraping dropped coins off the streets. And now.... perfectly ironed uniform, styled hair and everything. 

I don't say anything as we climb into the lift together, just taking everything in. From there to the dorms, I'm just in a jaw-dropping state of awe. Majestic foyer with exquisite chandeliers, and intricately designed marble floors. It lands on my floor, just after I notice the painting hanging on the lift. It isn't. It can't be. No way! It is!

"Is that a Monet? Like, a real one?" 

Ashton nods. "Yep. Donated pieces of priceless art. These paintings are actually donated by Colette's parents. Work for the royal family, and that's how they got the money, but parents are one of the most famous art collectors in London. This building itself? Designed by Laya Markey's parents from the year below." My eyes widen. Estelle Markey was one of the highest-paid and revered architects of her time. She designed world-class hotels and Olympic stadiums. 

We end up in front of my door. "Know who your roomie is yet?" Ashton stalls, grabbing my paper and scanning the information. The whole floor is a hustle and bustle of girls rushing back and fourth from each other's rooms. An entire closet was being shifted, a blonde polished mom was yelling at who I assumed were her movers, and girls were crying on the phone with their fathers trying to room with their best friends. 

His answer is immediately cut off when the most beautiful blonde I've ever seen waltzes into the room. Her hair like real gilded gold cascading down to her waist,  long full eyelashes, and deep-set blue-green eyes.

She's dressed in our normal uniform, dark and light blue plaid, except hers, looked much more sophisticated, rolled up sleeves and a simple watch strapped to her wrist, with a bedazzled 'C' pin stuck on the heart of her blazer. Her uniform was crested with a prefect badge. Just when I thought a uniform couldn't get more stylish, I look down at the thin rhinestone black stockings and the black Maryjane double-strapped heels. Even the pale polo was dressed up- top two buttons undone, trailing down to her bust and showing off a pearl choker with a small orb in the middle. I look closer and see a thin chain with a few pearls dangling across the waistband of her skirt. So incredibly self-satisfied and confident, with or without the small air of perfume that saturated her body.

"Hi! I'm Colette! Von Ascheberg. Are you Dahlia?" A voice slashes through my thoughts.

I whip my head up. 

Her voice was exactly the type of voice you'd think would come out of her mouth. It fit her perfectly. Feathery and playful, a stark contrast to what Nicholas' self-assured tone was like. Her voice and appearance were both like sunshine personified, and in that moment I decide this girl was nothing to fear.

"Uh, hi. Yeah, how'd you know?" She grins at me and takes a claw clip from her completely unpractical tiny shoulder bag and whips her hair in a bun.

"New student?" She asks, pacing around the room.

"Yeah, uh-"

"that's how I know. It's required for me to see the new friendly faces." 

"Right, well-" I turn to Ashton, who rolls his eyes and mouths something to me. 

I'm then cut off by three students barricading through the doors with a massive leather case that is bigger than me in height, and she smiles at them in a chagrin-loving manner. "Right there, boys!"

Wow. I aspire to be her.

I look down at myself and start to feel self-conscious, bad thoughts start to seep into my brain again, my dad's voice condescendingly chastising, Dahlia, you put on weight. That's not a good thing, you know.

The three guys put it down and she fishes a couple bills from her purse and tilts her head charmingly, looking at the floor and then back up at them with lidded eyes and blinking a couple times. "Thank you. Much appreciated." Every single one of them blushes and bows their heads, one of them not even accepting her payment, leaving the room as if they were starstruck. 

She smiles at me and gestures for me to come into the empty room as Ashton leans down to whisper in my ear. 

"Well, now you know Colette. Stay the fuck away." 

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