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Utterly confused, I ask "Why? She seems perfectly nice." Ashton leans down and makes sure she isn't looking from a distance. Just as she's putting her makeup away, he whispers in a hushed voice.

"There are stories, bad ones. People talk. And I'm not one to believe in petty gossip, but this isn't just a case of jealousy from other girls. I'm not going to explain it to you right now, but you will get easily fucked over. You will hear things as you make your way through the year and make friends. Trust me."

I turn back to looking at her, diverting my attention. It was truly difficult to look away from her- she was beautiful.

"Right! Dahlia- do you have any makeup or hair products to put on the vanity? We can share whenever," she smiles brightly "Argent, showing my new friend around? That's sweet of you."

He gives her a sheepish smile.

Pleased, Colette continues and clasps her hands together "then you must tell your new friend about the tradition. Not a true Arcanian until she goes after all..."

I can feel his grip tighten slightly on my arm. What is his problem with her?

"Oh! Uh, I'd love to come, but I'm not sure I should go without an invitation. This seems like a tradition thing and I wouldn't want to intrude in any way-"

"Sweetheart! It's nothing to worry about. All new students join in. It's like an initiation," I think she senses my wince because she immediately corrects herself before adding, "or a rite of passage! Ashton himself went when he first joined. You have to come- meet the students that will be in your classes, meet the cute boys. You have an insider- trust me." She winks.

Ashton's grip increasingly strengthens, but he doesn't say anything. I dont think Colette motors either.

Truthfully, I might want to go. What's life if I dont seize every opportunity, right? And who was I to say no to the first potential friend at school?

"Sure. Thank you so much." She brightens up completely. Looping her arm through mine and whisking me to the vanity, she looks back at a stoic Ashton.

"I'll take her from here- thank you Argent!" She chirps, eyes twinkling. He leaves the room without saying anything else. I try to ignore the bad feeling that manifests from the pit of my stomach- what is he so worried about? I'd keep my distance if it made him comfortable.

I heave a sigh, and Colette pins my hair back. Apart from the vanity, the room is cluttered with discarded furniture and unopened boxes. I glance at a box beside Colette's unmade bed. Filled to the brim with Chanel. I wasn't accustomed to designer brands, but I'd still recognise the gold crest.

"You like that one? You can borrow it any time. Just don't use the cream one because I use it every other day but any other colour you're free to use!"

"What?" I squeak, completely taken aback. She continues to pin my head back, plugging the curling iron into a socket in the wall and sectioning my hair.

"Your hair is a super pretty natural colour. I'm just going to curl some face framing layers to compliment your natural fave snap. God I wish O had your bone structure! Okay, wait, off topic sorry. But we're roommates. What's mine is yours, and most of the bags are backups for going out. But being honest with the amount of tests we have this year I'm not going to be going out much. Take whatever you want."

I think I actually sit in the chair frozen in anaphylactic shock. The guilt hits me right after. I don't have anything fancy to offer her in return. No cute makeup or shoes or going out clothes, not like she'd need any, but still- it was an act of kindness I wouldn't be able to reciprocate.

"No, I couldn't risk it being tarnished or anything like that, but thank you. That is very generous." I say, awkwardly and apologetic.

She smiles sweetly and then sprays my hair with what looks like heat protection and continues. "Well, the offer still stands. Do you have any clubbing outfits?"

My eyes widen. "For the party?"

"Yes of course! If not feel free to borrow mine."

"Well, I'm not a really party-ish person. I wouldn't want you to have to drag me around-"

She releases a stray hair. It comes down my shoulder in ringlets and I am a little mesmerised at how cool that was.

"Please. Please, PLEASE. I already started your hair and you already said you'd go!" She insists, shaking my shoulders back and fourth until I giggle. What would Ezra say? He'd say that I should go. He'd say that I'd have to 'branch out' one day and meet teenagers my own age.

I wouldn't disappoint someone who was so nice to me. Reluctantly, I nod as Colette's arms wrap around my neck in a hug.


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Adrian: We on for tn?

Maddy: fuck yeah!

Veronica: always

Louise: 🥂🥂🥂


Veronica: shut up. if u puke again this year we're putting all the blame on u.

Daniel: 🖕🖕

Luca: drinks?

Maddy: Boyb, like the past ten years 🙄🙄

Luca: shit mb

Aidan: Maddy, tequila, Colette, booze, and Ashton beer? Everyone else bring as much shit as you can.

Ashton: yep. nick is bringing everything else aight?

Nick: k

Ashton: dry fuck.

Aki: lmfaoo aight c all u guys soon.

Leia: can't wait.

Veronica: 😘😘

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