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Trigger + Content warning: This chapter contains graphic depictions of sexual assault. Please skip this chapter if you are not comfortable.

I fumble with the piece of paper as I take it out of the envelope. The paper was tinted in pale yellow and written in cursive. Is that... is that paper scented? The envelope itself was soft, smooth, and ingrained with a gold symbol on the bottom left. Velvet. I could probably sell the envelope alone for a lot and have enough food for a week.

"EZ?!" I squeal from the door, running to Ezra with socks, by the way, to find him sitting on the couch soundly. I suddenly feel a pulsating pain through my toes and hit the wall. Dunklemuffins. OW. I inwardly groan and bounce on one foot, and he finally rushes in.

We sit on the faded, rum-stained couch as I hold out my letter in front of him. His eyes almost bulge out of his face.. "Holy shit. Lia that's fucking amazing!" I cringe at the profanity but don't stop him as he picks me up and spins me around the empty living room. "You-you'll get a future now. You finally have a chance to get OUT of this shit hole."

"You tickle!" I complain, and he puts me down.

His optimism should make me feel more comfortable, but deep down my heart is going a thousand miles a minute. "You entered for me? You didn't have to!"

"I knew you'd be able to do it. I didn't want you to miss the chance. So I wrote out a letter to one of the agents to school a couple of months ago to see you perform your magic. You are astounding, Lia."

"I don't even know if I've gotten in yet."

"You will, Lia. You are the most talented person I've ever met." He says with pure confidence, which is something that still astounds me. I'm not used to many people believing in me, and I'm not saying this for a pity party- I'm just not. I'm not used to many people period, which led me to my demise at school. It didn't matter how good my grades were when everyone at school thought I was revolting.  

I lead my attention back to the letter, my feelings buzzing with worried anticipation as I try to hide the fact that my heart is lodged deep in my throat. I can't open it. What if it's a no?

What if it's a yes and dad doesn't let me go?

My hands shakily open the piece of paper, dragging over the first words.

"Dear Dahlia Hayes, we are delighted to inform you..."

The rest of the words on the page fade in my mind, literally and figuratively as tears fill my already blurry eyes. Clutching my brother's hands, his face full of expectation, I give a little nod- no words needed. A gasp elicits from his throat as he pulls me into his arms and rocks my back and fourth. We say nothing for what seems like minutes, reveling in our happiness until he pulls away from me. "My little sister is all grown up. I'm proud of you. So, so, proud." I can feel my shoulder getting wet and my sweater getting soaked. Euphoria morphs into an emotion I can't quite comprehend, and a slightly sullen expression takes over his face. At this point, we're both crying, soaking each others shirts wet with our tears without a care in the world. 

"Hey, Ez? " I call out from his chest.

"Yeah?" He sniffles, as I smile.

"You know I can't go, right?" The reality hits, no, crashes down on me like choppy waves on a sunny day. 

"Like hell you aren't," He retorts, furious.

"But, Dad. You know what's going to happen you know it-"

He shakes his head, voice adamant in his decision. "Lia, what you've been given here isn't just a chance. It's a future, your future. I'm not going to let our dad's dusty ass take this away from you."

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