𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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Emory gave me a hug and wished me luck

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Emory gave me a hug and wished me luck.
"Call me later, okay?" she said, sending me off with a wave.

I left the cafe, feeling a little bit better after my chat with Emory.

I got back in my car and started driving back home, my mind already starting to worry about what would happen at the evening meeting.

I got home and went straight upstairs to my room, feeling the dread and anxiety settling back into my stomach.

My thoughts continued to race with worries, and it felt like I couldn't stop my brain from going down every possible scenario.

I laid in bed, staring at the ceiling and trying to think of any way out of this situation. My thoughts were interrupted by my mother's voice calling up the stairs to me.

"Melanie, you need to get ready for this meet and greet," she called.

I rolled my eyes at the idea of this forced ceremony, but knew I couldn't escape it. I sighed and got out of bed, going over to my closet to figure out what to wear.

I selected a jet black dress that was both elegant and sexy. It clinged to my body in all the right places, and served as a good reminder of how desirable I was as a bride for this random man.

Fucking hell.

My heart started racing as I put the dress on, my body already starting to tingle and warm up at the idea of this arranged marriage.

I decided to accessorize the dress by adding some jewelry and makeup.

I kept it simple but elegant, adding a small necklace with diamonds and some earrings to give it an extra touch.

My makeup was light but stylish. I added eyeliner and some blush to my cheeks to give my face some color, along with some lip gloss to bring the whole look together.

I took a deep breath and made my way downstairs, heading toward the living room. My body felt like lead as I walked down the stairs, all the anxieties swirling inside me creating an overwhelming sense of dread.

I knew there was no backing out from this situation, and that I would have to meet this man tonight.

My hands were shaking, and I could feel the nervous energy pulsing through my body.

As I stepped into the living room, my mother stopped what she was doing and stared at me. Her eyes quickly ran up and down my body, lingering on certain parts of me for way too long.

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