Chapter no.10 Champion's Pressure

Start from the beginning

Intrigued, Ash quickly navigated through the menu, discovering four icons: ID, Map, Encyclopedia, and Team Registry. Curious, he tapped on the Team Registry icon. The screen flickered with a prompt: Point at registered Pokéball.

Ash took out Abra's Pokéball and held it in front of the Pokédex. The screen scanned it, reminiscent of a QR code reader, and within moments, Abra's biodata appeared on the screen.

[ Name : Abra ]

[ Species: Psychicae somniator abra ]

[ Type: Psychic ]

[ Gender: Male ]

[ Physical Characteristics: ]

  - [ Height: 0.9 m (2′11″) ]

  - [ Weight: 19.5 kg (43.0 lbs) ]

  - [ Body Structure: Bipedal, cat-like, with a thick tail and long ears. Yellow fur covers most of its body, with brown accents. ]

  - [ Distinctive Features: Known for its ability to sleep through most of its life and teleport even while asleep. ]

[ Behavioral Traits: ]

  - [ Activity Cycle: Mostly nocturnal, sleeps 18 hours a day. ]

  - [ Habitat: Prefers urban areas, near humans, but can be found in grassy terrains. ]

  - [ Diet: Omnivorous, with a preference for berries and small insects. ]

  - [ Social Structure: Typically solitary but may occasionally be found in small groups. ]

[ Moves: ]

  - [ Teleport: Abra can instantly transport itself and others to a known location. Often used as a defensive mechanism to escape threats. ]

  - [ Thunderpunch: Generates a burst of electric energy around its fist to strike opponents. Effective against Water and Flying types. ]

As Ash studied the biodata on the Pokédex, he noticed the absence of levels or stats. "Guess this world is more like the anime than the manga in that regard," he mused to himself. "Well, at least now I know I can't level grind here... shame."

Meanwhile, Daisy observed Ash using the Pokédex with effortless proficiency, despite its recent invention. "He's handling it as if he's always had one. That hand-eye coordination, everything... It's remarkable. He didn't achieve Tier 10 by mere luck; he's got real talent. I just hope he doesn't get swallowed up by the league," she thought, concerned.

"Would you like something to drink or eat?" Daisy offered kindly.

"No thank you, dear," Delia replied, while Ash began to decline, but suddenly paused.

"I forgot about Yellow. She must be at the bus stop," Ash blurted out, his face flushing at the mention of his girlfriend.

"Who's Yellow?" Daisy inquired, a hint of teasing in her voice.

"My girlfriend," Ash said, still trying to get accustomed to this new reality where he had a girlfriend.

"Oooh," Daisy giggled, amused. "Don't worry, I'll get her. Bus stop, right?"

Ash nodded gratefully as Daisy left to fetch Yellow.

"So, girlfriend?" Delia asked in a low voice, her tone indicating she was treading into unknown territory.

Ash felt a wave of panic. He realized that the original Ash hadn't told Delia about Yellow.

"I can explain," he started, but then paused, realizing he didn't actually remember how the original Ash met Yellow or how they began dating.

"I can't explain," he admitted, feeling defeated.

Minutes later, the door swung open and Yellow, with a look of worry etched on her face, rushed in. She quickly wrapped her arms around Ash in a tight hug.

"Ash, I was so worried! After the exam results and all those media people... And then I couldn't find you. I was scared something happened to you," Yellow said, her voice trembling slightly, tears welling in her eyes.

Ash returned the hug, trying to comfort her. "It's okay, Yellow. I'm fine, thanks to Daisy and my mom here."

Yellow looked up and noticed Abra sitting on Ash's shoulders. Abra raised a hand in greeting.

"You got your Pokémon! I'm so happy for you," Yellow said, her voice brightening as she hugged him even tighter.

Suddenly, she opened her backpack and announced with a smile, "Meet Pichy." She revealed a sleeping Pikachu nestled inside her backpack.

The adorable sight of the sleeping Pikachu was interrupted by Delia's polite cough. Yellow quickly looked at Delia and bowed. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Ketchum."

Delia responded with a warm smile, "No need for that formality, dear. Call me Mom."

Yellow's eyes widened in surprise, and she glanced at Ash, who could only offer a sheepish thumbs-up in response.

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