Ignoring the drunken people i made my way towards the elevator and pressed the top floor button.

As i reached the floor,the hallway was surrounded with only one guard,showing my card i entered the place and it's much more peaceful from the chaos downstairs.

The place is surrounded with guards everywhere and professionals having their drinks while enjoying the pole dance.

I took the furthest and ordered a prosecco. Soon a girl,,cooked up with makeup,wearing a revealing dress,came towards me swaying her hips seductively.

"Do you want something sir.I may help you"She said in a sultry voice slightly rubbing her core on my scrotch.

I smirk at her before grabbing a fistful of her hair and whisper,
"If you don't want me to blow off your head with my bullets then back off"
She looked at me in horror before walking around in the another section.

My attention diverted from her when my watch pinged with a message of simon displaying on the screen.I read the message and like it raised the inner demon inside me as my grip tighten around the glass and eyes started searching for the men who entered the section with a smile,talking to the russian leader with guards following them.

They settled in a nearby table and ordered two drinks.

I took a sip from my wine noticing the number of mens are less here compared to the amount standing outside the building as per the information given by Simon

I could well see and heared them but unfortunately they can't as my back was facing them.

I can end their life in a snap of minute but waited patiently for the right moment as i need to see the pathetic condition of that bitch who have the guts to betray me and i so fuckin hate liars.

They started with some random conversation and the section too started getting empty until there are few people left with them and their mens.

"I can bet whose weapons are ruby among the rest,after all it's my weapons"That bitch said

"Let it be ruby,but i want diamonds!"Lucifer said leaning on the round table around him.

He chuckles before opening the box and revealing my weapons.
"Is it enough for the compartment of your diamonds?"He said slightly smirking seeing the amusement in the eyes of one of the most feared russian mafia.

And that was the right moment shen i sent a signal to simon to surround the VVIP section with other mens.

But before Lucifer can reply i fired the gun in the air making people flinched and simon with my mens barg in the room and started shooting their mens.

Not less than few minutes the whole section turn chaos with dead bodies along with their blood here and there.

I took a last sip from my porsecco on my seat watching the scenario infront of me,lucifer and that bitch on their knees with the glint of fear in thier eyes.

"I've never known that it's yours weapons ac-"
He halted taking my name as it's itself capable of bringing goosebumps and fear in the spine of the people,before continuing
"Or else i swear I've never agreed on taking them"Lucifer completed while shooting daggers towards that bitch.

"Indeed but you still agreed which pay you with an price,so what do you want me to reward you with"I said in my usual calm tone with a slight smirk.

His body shivered under my gaze before stating
"What do you want i'll-"I interrupted him

"You have an beautiful family waiting for you back home isn't it?"

His eyes widen as fear took over him widening my smirk.

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