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     "Do you have a garden? I wanted to go outside to catch some fresh air." Princess Y/N asked embarrassingly.

     "Oh. We do have. Let me show you." The Prince said as he offered an arm to the Princess. She happily obliged and linked her arm to his. Both of them faced their parents to be excused.

     "Your Highnesses, the Princess and I will walk to the gardens." Prince Yoongi said. Both parents were happy with their prince's and princess's actions to get to know each other and escape the public's eyes.

     "You're both excused." King Hwan nodded his head. Then, the prince led the two of them out of the ballroom and into the gardens, knowing that they needed to escape the crowd and the royalties for a while. 




     As soon as they were out, Prince Yoongi looked behind and saw his and the princess's attendants. He signed them to not follow them, and they stopped. While peacefully walking, Yoongi and Y/N did not mind that their arms were still linked with each other. The garden is indeed beautiful, airy, and huge. Yoongi did not notice the beauty of the garden until the princess asked about their garden.     

     "You have a beautiful garden." Y/N brought his attention back and looked at the princess.

     "Thank you. Courtesy to my mother." And they fell into a peaceful silence. They arrived at the middle of the whole garden where there stood the fountain. Y/N saw a bench at the side and detached herself from Yoongi to take a seat. Yoongi followed her and sat beside her, putting a safe distance between him and the princess.

     "Your Highness, can I ask you a question?" Yoongi began.

     "Yes, you can, your Highness." 

     "Are you upset regarding our situation?" 

     "I don't really know how to explain how I felt. I may have questions, especially about the Queen's choice about me being your wife. I--I mean, who am I to question the Queen's choice?" Yoongi only nodded his head understanding where Y/N stands. Confused.

       "How about you, your Highness? Why didn't you say no when you're not sure if you're ready to be a King or a husband?" Y/N asked confidently to Yoongi. Suddenly, both were feeling safe with each other's company.

     "I don't know why I didn't disagree nor argue. There's something about your physique that I can't pin that you're giving me a sign that I can get to know you." He said making the girl relax in her seat and flustered making her sigh deeply.

     "I shall take that as a compliment." The princess joked causing the both of them to laugh.

     "You should. My friends know me for not being talkative and for not giving out compliments easily."

     "I'm honored I was given a compliment by Your Highness." They both chuckled.

     "So you came here at the castle not knowing that you're potentially engaged to a man you barely know?" 

     "And yet here you are, talking to your potential fiancée you barely know and gave a compliment to her?" The both of them looked at each other with a smile and they chuckled.

Royally Yours | Min Yoongi X Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن