Chapter Seven: lion's pit

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Slowly waking up, you see that your vision is blurry along with the slow rise of pain building up in the back of your head.

You try to stand up, yet you then feel something wrapped around your leg. Looking down you see a shiny metal piece through the dim moonlight peaking through the creak in the rundown ceiling.

Confused you start to slowly place your hand to touch the metal piece to then realize it's a chuff and attached to a chain, one of which you can see leads to a dark area in the room.

Feeling unease, you slowly try to stand up, until you see the chain is slowly being pulled on at the other end. Not thinking you try to quickly stand up, to then get your leg that was chain yanked hard, causing you to fall on your back.

For a few seconds, nothing happened after you fell, other than you yelped out in loud in pain. You then feel your back being quickly dragged against the floor being pulled to the dark area of the room stopping at the edge of the darkness.

Tears forming in your eyes, and with your breath becoming shaken you know there is someone there in the darkness where you cannot see who it is.

The sound of chains dropping onto the dirt floor is the thing that caused you to try and crawl away, which doesn't work as you then feel the chain to your leg being held, keeping you from leaving back to the other side of the room. With a quick yank again, you flip back to look at the darkness.

Slowly a person comes out of the darkness, gripping the chain around your leg. They are the same person who was wearing the mask and outfit from much earlier.

Looking at him with fearful eyes, you try to speak but nothing comes out, other than the few panic noises you are making like a fearful animal. The man reaches his hand out to you, and you flinch away. He slowly uses his hand, to move the hair in your face away.

He tilts his head to you not saying anything, you cannot see what he looks like as he is wearing a mask still. At a closer look is a hockey mask that is very much worn down with dirt, scratches, and possibly dried blood.

You then remembered the conversation with Pamela about her and how she talked about her son Jason.

This gave you an idea, and hoping it worked by saying "J-Jason is that you?"

The man stopped his movement, before slowly moving his head, to say yes. You then remembered the reason why Jason was picked on years ago was because he could not speak at all. He was born mute, but he did use sign language and writing in a notebook to talk to others. You as a kid were friends with him after he was a sweet child, which also caused you to know sign language as your grandmother whom you loved was born deaf causing you to also learn it for her. Mind you Jason isn't deaf, he just cannot speak, so he can very much hear the words coming from your shaken lips.

"Jason, why are you doing this?" You then asked with a tone of fear.

Jason moves his hand to sign the statement "Are you scared of me, Y/N?"

You are not sure what to say other than "You killed my friend Jason..."

Jason doesn't do anything for a few seconds but then he moved his hands to sign "Friends...? Or those assholes who didn't treat you with respect?"

You then give out a sound of almost crying before saying "Even if they were assholes, you shouldn't have killed them..."

Jason then signs quickly "Yet one of them ended up killing my mother didn't she?"

You were stunned at that statement not sure what to say next other than "So are you going to kill me now, too?"

Jason signed the statement "No, of course not Y/N, but...." with that, Jason stopped signing anything maybe on what to think or what to tell you next.

"So what do you plan on what to do with me then?" You asked after a while of having silence and of Jason not doing anything.

Jason then signs "You are going to stay here with me of course Y/N"

Are you not sure what to say other than "Jason so I am now your prisoner?"

Jason signs "No Y/N, but seeing you may run away if I allow you to roam around, I have to keep this around your leg at least I can trust you enough."

"JASON I HAVE A LIFE TO GO TO, HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME, HOW COULD YOU BECOME A KILLER NOW AFTER ALL THIS TIME!!!" you finally yelled out with a panic in your voice.

Jason stands up throwing a bucket next to you, signing the statement "I'll give you time to cool down, and come by tomorrow Y/N, good night."

You then quickly get up and try to grab Jason saying "So you are going to leave me in this empty dark room now by myself?"

Jason then signs to you after pulling away from you "Will you act up if I stay, or act like a good girl if I do, which is it Y/N?"

You shut up not sure to pick, fearing being alone but also fearing this monster in front of you, you decide with tears in your eyes "Please do not leave me alone Jason... You know I hate the dark."

With that Jason then takes a seat next to the wall near the entrance looking at you.

You then realize at this distance you cannot go near Jason as the chain length doesn't go to the door.

You then say looking at Jason "Your mask why do you wear it?"

Jason moved his hands to say "In case someone has gotten away they didn't know what I look like and cannot report it to the police."

You give a quick laugh in disbelief before saying "Wearing it when you are around me too, knowing I cannot leave unless I cut off my leg at this point."

Jason then signs "wanna see my face then Y/N?"

You look at him before saying in a sarcastic tone "Actually yes please, as then maybe it will help me not see you as a monster."

With that Jason moves his hands to move his mask off, which reveals his face. His red hair even through the moonlight tosses over his face, which would be handsome if under a different situation. He has hazel eyes, a slight scar near his sharp jawline, and a small patch of hair on his chin. He gives you a smirk as you are looking at him before signing out the statement "What do you think?"

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