Chapter Four: Run

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"Y/N WAKE UP!" you heard yelling while being shaken causing you to wake up in the cold air of spring face to face with Alice.

"The hell Alice?" you say shaking from the cold slowly placing the covers on you again.

"Shhh listen," Alice says again looking at you scared.

You listen and you hear a faint sound in the distance. But the thing that makes you jump from your bed is the smell of smoke. Running to the door with your slippers on you and Alice in the dark can see a glow of light in the distance more to the middle of the camp.

"The fuck is that?" Alice asked nervously grabbing onto your arm.

"I don't know Alice, go get the flashlight," You say to Alice not taking your eyes off the light.

You hear Alice running to see where the bat may be, but then you hear "IT'S NOT HERE" causing you to look back to Alice confused.

"What do you mean by that Alice?" You asked to see if you had heard correctly.

"And Berbice isn't here too," Alice says lifting the sheets from Brenda's bed showing it's empty.

"Oh Damn it," You say now realizing it was most likely Berice that went out and took the flashlight. Grabbing your coat you start to make your way to the flash of light with Alice following behind you. As the both of you keep on walking, the closer you are the brighter the light as well the louder the screams.

Feeling a sense of fear, and also worried that something may have happened to someone both you and Alice start to run to the light, only to see it's an opened Fire pit, with a burning flame and a bag hanging over it, as it's the shape of a body.

"HELP ME" you and Alice hear.

"Oh God, Berice!" Alice Yells out with both you and her making your way to the flame now realizing it's Brenda who is in a bag with the fire underneath her, and the way the screams she making are of that of being clearly in pain.

You see a glass bottle on the where you go to pick it up and smash it to grab the piece of glass to use as a knife to cut down the rope hoping Brenda up. Alice is trying to untie it but it's not working, and you start to cut at the strings all in a panic to get Brenda down.

"Oh my god, who is that?" Alice then asks which causes you to look up at what she is referring to, and it's a man with a large object that you can't see clearly, but he is wearing a mask.

"Alice we need to run," You say grabbing Alice who tries to pull back.

"What about Brenda?" Alice asked as she was being pulled away by you.

With not answering her the bag rips, and you see Brenda's body limp into the flames. Alice screams in horror but runs now with you, after seeing the masked man come closer but now you can see he has a machete in his hand.

Running to Steve's cabin both you and Alice bang on the door, which is locked yelling for him to help the both of you. Alice then looks through the window only to back away slowly. This out of curiosity causes you to also look into the window to see that Steve's lifeless body is pinned against the door. Covering your mouth you back away but then a snap noise comes near you and Alice.

"Alice you know how to drive?" You asked finally.

Alice with fear on her face shook her head yes but she said "But Jack had the keys, and he never came back."

"fuck" you say from under your breath now realizing most likely Jack is Dead, same can be said about Marice. But one thing you know both you and Alice are unsure where the keys are located.

"We need to hide Y/N," Alice says pulling at your arm then an arrow shoots out from the woods closer to Alice but misses her.

"Run," you say to Alice and the both of you start to run, more near the road. Alice trips and you turn back seeing the man in the mask following behind her. But without thinking, maybe because of adrenaline rushing in your veins, you make your way to Alice picking her up and helping her up to again run away.

As you get closer to the road you see a set of lights coming closer to you and Alice, and then realize it's a car.

"Y/N you see that?" Alice says and you nod.

Rushing your way to the car it stops in front of you and Alice and with out of breaths, you walk to the driver's window. The driver pulled down the window and you said "Please Help us"

"Excuse me?" said the middle-aged woman said confused.

"He is coming to kill us" Yells out Alice and the woman looks at us even more confused.

"Who is coming?" the lady asked.

Then the man comes from the woods and turns to face us carrying a weapon. Without speaking any more words Alice and you opened the car's door going into the back seat and yelling to the woman "DRIVE NOW!"

Without thinking the woman backs away from the man running towards us and turns the car and drives. After a few minutes of driving you look at the woman who you are watching.

"Who was that man?" the woman asks sounding fearful.

"We don't know, but he went and killed everyone at the camp," Alice said scared.

You grabbed Alice's arm and said "Thank you miss for getting us out of there"

Alice looks at you and mouths the words 'What's wrong?'

You lean over and whisper into Alice's ear "I don't know why but this woman looks very familiar to me"

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