Chapter Five: Pamela

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*Warning for slight themes of possible Incest (not sure it counts here but I am adding it here in case of reasons if any of my readers find it comes off that way).*

For some reason while driving with this woman, you feel something is off. You are unsure if it's because she looks familiar to you for some odd reason, or because now instead of going to safety she driving into the woods deeper.

"Hey Mrs-"

"Oh my name is Pamela Voorhees, but you may call me just as Ms. Voorhees," Pamela says cutting off Alice.

You think to yourself 'Pamela Voorhees, that name sounds quite familiar because-' then it hits you to how you now know who this woman is and why you feel uneasy.

"well Mrs. Voorhees, don't you think we all should be heading to town?" Alice now asked nervously.

Pamela stays quiet for a bit before finally saying "Oh silly me, I was heading home in a bit of a panic"

You squeeze your hands together to keep yourself calm, and with a fake smile you say "Pamela Voorhees, it has been a while."

"Oh, do I know you?" Pamela asked with a tone you guess sounds almost curious and confused.

"oh yes you do, I met you while attending Camp Crystal Lake here when I was a kid," You say in a bit of a happy tone trying to make small talk. Of course, you see from the corner of your eye Alice is looking at you confused but you keep your poker face.

"oh my, you attended Camp Crystal Lake?" Pamela says now in a bit shock-sounding tone.

"Yeah, but I stopped going after 1958 due to reasons-" You say in an honest sad-sounding tone of voice.

With this, the car stops causing both you and Alice to be pushed front.

"get out," Pamela says with venom, which causes Alice to quickly look up to say something but you cover her mouth quickly.

"Why is that?" you say now in a pissed-off yet scared tone of voice.

"I remembered how you kids treated my Son, so if he-"

"I never bullied your son, Pamela, don't you remember me, Y/N?" you say now in a defensive tone of voice which causes Pamela to stay silent.

Alice removed your hand before saying "Listen Mrs-"

"Wait your Y/N?" Pamela asked you in a shocked tone of voice turning her body in her car seat, to fully take a look at your face. You nodded at her question, as she moved closer to take a look at your face before realization hit her face and she cupped your face with a smile plastered on her face.

"My-My you grew up so pretty Y/N so beautiful, I bet Jason would love to see you after so many years apart," Pamela says with a voice so happy sounding it could have been mistaken as creepy more than a good feeling.

You make a confused face through at her statement 'Jason would like to see you' as to your knowledge Jason is dead. You then asked, "Wait Jason isn't dead?"

Pamela makes a gasp-sounding voice before saying "Oh no he is fully alive, and well, after all, You helped save his life Y/N, if you hadn't run to get help, Jason would have been a goner"

"oh but I been told that he-"

"Rumors, geez, and I bet you also heard the part I 'killed all those people' blah blah blah, all just made-up rumors," Pamela says now turning back into her seat, starting the car back on.

"Then is he ok?" You asked now feeling a mixture of feelings upon hearing that the boy who was once your friend, that you had thought was dead is alive. On one hand, you are happy Jason is alive but now you feel as if there is still something more that you are not sure how to feel.

"He is doing okay, anything he grew quite to be a handsome man, he is 6'5 feet tall, with red hair, hazel eyes, and a face that is the stone-cold type, I guess the one all girls these days go after," Pamela says to you as if she is trying to promote you to get interested in her son. You know she means well but you can't help but feel weird out with this.

You look to Alice who has been the one looking back at you and Pamela as the both of you guys talk. You give Alice the look to tell her 'I am keeping her busy, you find a way to get us out of this new situation' as you don't feel comfortable with this whole conversion.

"I doubt if he is that handsome, he would give me any time of day now," You say followed by a fake laugh. You see in the corner of your eye Alice looking over the car seat in a way where Pamela can't see what she is doing.

"Oh sweetie trust me, Jason would find you attractive after all you were his first crush, wait do you have a boyfriend now?" Pamela asked with no concern that you are guessing to see if she can even hook you up with Jason. You feel uncomfortable but you keep up with the poker face, as it starts to make you wonder if Pamela finds her son as attractive from the sounds of it.

With a sign, you say "I have been too focused on studying at the college I attend to notice any of the guys in that way, so no I have no boyfriend."

"Oh a pretty thing like you with no boyfriend, how Lucky, as it means you and my son can see each other," Pamela says now happily, where with a sharp turn of the car you are pushed against the car window hard, causing you to see stars.

"Ouch," you yelped out, trying to get your vision focused before feeling that the car stopped, and with this, you were looking at a cabin near the camp that still looked to be with Pamela walking up to it.

"Oh girls come in quickly," Pamela says smiling as she opens the door to this cabin.


Author notes:

Due to Jason not being here and cause it was posted on Friday the 13th here are some sketches of my Design of Jason Voorhees for this story.

Yes, I drew these.

Yes, I drew these

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Choke me Daddy (Jason Voorhees x Y/N)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin