Chapter Two: Who Is Next?

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After going to the supply cabin you and Steve are trying to decide on what exactly is a good idea to cook for today.

"I sure wish Annie was here, damn it," Steve says opening the dusty supply closet that has everything needed to cook in it, more towards the larger size of groups which makes sense as at one point the camp counselors had to cook for a lot of kids as they stayed in the camp.

"you sure we even have food here, Steve?" you asked looking around at the poor piss conditions of the cabin interior, a bit worried about the fact they're a possibility that no one who went and got food for a week's stay here at least for the large group.

"Oh believe me I went out and stock up on food and bought it here yesterday," Steve said opening the cabinets to show he did. He did buy a lot more can goods, but can goods are the best thing to eat in a place like this as you for one don't want the food going bad and two you also don't want animals coming into the food supplies, both large and small ones.

Looking over a sack of potatoes caught your eye, where you said "How about we boiled a few of the potatoes and a side of the corn that if I remind you, Steve, it's too much of"

Steve nods before saying "How about we eat the fish for the main course?"

"I am fine with that," you say now deciding on what to cook and eat for this night's dinner. After Steve and you take around an hour or two you both are now finally done cooking.

"I'll go get the guys for dinner," said Steve as he starts to take off that funny apron he had on, saying Camp Dad best cook ever.

"then that means I will go and get the girls," you said pulling down the rolled-up shirt sleeves of your shirt back down. It's kinda cold outside as it's only spring week making it in March, so even though it's starting to turn warm at night times it's cold.

Walking back to the now-turning dark woods you start to make your way back to the cabin, yet you can't help but feel like something is a bit off as you are walking since it feels like something rather than someone is watching you. You brushed it off being it's the woods so of course it gets scary, and lucky you do end up making it to the girl's cabin safely.

Going into the cabin you see the girls reading magazines and talking among themselves, but it's only Brenda and Alice in the room. Clearing your throat both girls look at you in shock before Brenda says "Y/N what's up?"

You with a bit of a half smile say "So listen dinner is ready, y'all wanna eat now or....?"

"Now please," Alice says.

"About damn time, I am hungry," Brenda says.

Both of the girls had thrown to the side their magazines, stretching their bodies out before deciding to now follow you to grab some dinner.

As you walked there you asked out loud hoping that any of the girls has an answer to your question by asking "So any of you guys know where Like Marice is at?"

Both stop as if to think but Alice ends up saying "It has been quite some time since we saw her today."

"if she and Jack ran off to do god knows what, I swear to god I will be so upset," Brenda said out of bitterness maybe because of that fight earlier the day with her and Marice, that went unresolved.

"Call me crazy, but I feel like something is off guys," You said walking now quicker with the girls as the woods at this point is dark, and the only source of light you guys have are the one flashlight that Brenda is holding.

"How so?" Alice asked you.

"Well..." you start to say as you think about how to phrase your words next before settling "I feel like someone is watching me alone here, but I understand that it can be my brain trying to trick me into thinking there is something creepy out there in these woods." ending off that last part with a quick awkward laugh.

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