"We have to go back to your house so I can start the hacking process, alright?" Max's chest started to ease up as he breathed deeply but then he opened his eyes and nodded.

"Alright, we're moving out!" Adam yelled to his trackers and everyone went to their separate cars to drive back to Max's place.
Hinata opened her eyes again to a heavy feeling in her mind, it took a few minutes of blinking for her to move an inch of her body before she sat up in the bed. Her back was against the pillows when she saw Naruto standing over her like some demon waiting to attack.

Though she felt hazy and floaty, she remembered what she did to him; what she said to him. She wanted to end it all but he couldn't even let her have that and it enraged her. But after the resentment wore off she was scared again, she knew the punishment would probably be worse than rape.

"You really hate me? Hm?" He sat down next to her on the edge of the bed and used his right hand to caress her face. "You really wish I was dead?" She heard the sadness in his voice and that made her frown upsettingly.

"Did you really mean all of that stuff you said?" His head tilted to the side as he pushed some hair out of her face and scanned each feature of her skin. "How is it possible for you to be so pretty even with the bruises?"

She didn't know how to respond to him because she meant every word she said & the sweet talking he was doing only made her nauseous, nothing good ever came from it.

The sweet caress on her right cheek switched to a little more rough and the softness of his eyes hardened, giving them that darker look.

Hinata wanted to avoid a hit so she opened her mouth but it was too late because his right palm crashed into her right cheek and the slap was so powerful, that she fell off the bed.

On top of that, a portion of her forehead hit the dresser which made her bleed a bit.

His favorite display of her came on when she began to cry and hold her right cheek while her other hand went up to her head.

"I'm gonna demonstrate every fucking reason why you should hate me!" He brought his foot to her shoulder and slightly kicked.

But she didn't wanna back down this time.
"I'LL KILL MYSELF!" His hateful expression was turned into a shocked 1 and he instantly got on his knees to grab both sides of her shirt. "Not if I kill you 1st!" He shook her and she just started to laugh. "What the fuck is so funny?!" It was now Hinata who was evilly smirking.

"You don't have the guts to kill me." He snatched her toward him, their faces now a few inches away from each other. "Shut up!"

"Let's face it Naruto, Ocean Eyes, Kurama, Spike, or whatever the fuck your name is! You're trash without me!"

"Shut up!"

"You need me more than I need you."


"You're a spineless person! You had to kidnap me like some obsessive fan who couldn't take no for an answer! You're fucking crazy!"
"I'm locking you in the basement!" She was in front of him now with her arms locked as she just cackled boisterously. "I'll bang my head!" He paused his steps and held her tighter.

"I'm taking you back to the room!" She just kept laughing more ridiculously. "I'll hang myself with the sheet or the cover!" Naruto's voice cracked. "I'll-" She cut him off. "And I'll keep finding ways to kill myself! You'll walk in seeing my lifeless body and break down!" She chuckled again and he cried into her neck.

Then he sat down on the step while still keeping her pinned, being sure that she was unable to move. "Hinata don't do this. I need you. Please, I'll do anything."

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