Ch/40 *Long*

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After Naruto took those pills he pulled out his second phone and texted Hinata's number.

Naruto: Max you and I should speak man to man.

If Hinata wanted a harem, then so be it. He didn't mind as long as that meant he got to be the main then soon, the only.

He exhaled deeply as he sat on the bed and stared at the wall while waiting for a response. One hurdle didn't have to fuck up the entire plan... he wouldn't allow that to happen.
Max asked himself why he even showed up.

He didn't understand why he was entertaining Naruto's bullshit. But he had some things he needed to address anyway so... why not?

Both of the guys silently peered at each other. Naruto was sure Max was thinking the same thing as him as they sat across from each other in a booth at a diner. To be in front of Hina's so-called boyfriend and not once lay hands on him was a miracle within itself.

All of Hinata's cries, bruises, and heartache were forefront of Max's mind. How Naruto wasn't on the ground being stomped out was a mystery. There's so much he wanted to do.

If this were a battle for the best man to fight for the girl, they both intended to win.

Both gentlemen tilted their heads to the side to the opposite of each other, both of their eyes squinted more at the same time, and both said nothing. They just kept their mouths shut.

Max had to remind himself that Hinata wouldn't want him beating that asshole up but... it would be good for her. Even though she's preached millions of times about not handling stressful situations with violence.

So he decided to speak. "Why am I here?" Naruto answered. "Maybe you should ask yourself that, you're the one who showed up."

Max's teeth clenched and his jaws tightened while both his dark brows furrowed. Naruto's small smirk came through, if he'd irritate him enough then he would leave Hinata.

"I asked myself that plenty of times already." He tried unclenching his jaws. "Why did you wanna talk to me." He brought his hands up to curl his fingers. "Man to man?" Naruto narrowed his eyes. "I don't think I'm looking at a man." It was Naruto's jaws clenching now. "And it's not like you and my baby are involved in any way... so I don't understand why you wanna talk to me."

Naruto was still stuck on the baby part. "Oh... so she mentioned to you how she was pregnant with mine?" He forgot the reason why he invited him in the 1st place. It was time to make this fucker jealous and show him why Ocean Eyes would always be number 1.

Max pursed his lips and looked off to the side as a strangled tight exhale escaped through his flared nostrils. While Naruto leaned back in his seat with a cunning smile on his face.

Not gonna lie, what that asshole just revealed hurt. It hurt so bad that an ex would put his ex-girlfriend's business out on  front street just to make her new boyfriend jealous & it hurt to think what Hinata had to go through around that time. If she didn't tell him, obviously she wasn't ready or she had her reasons.

Max squinted his eyes lower when he shot a mean look back at Naruto. "How pathetic do you have to be to try and make me jealous? It's probably a good thing she didn't have your baby, their father would've been seen as a total nutjob." Naruto leered harder.

"Maybe a nutjob." He curled his fingers. "But I was her first." A petty shrug of his shoulders came. "First kiss, first love, first fuck." Max was trying to hold it together, he really was but this son of a bitch was trying him.

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