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2 months had gone by and Naruto hadn't heard a peep from his Sugar Pop.

He hasn't seen her or run into her since Temari's party which made him even more pissed, she didn't even notice him.

That could've been the perfect time for them to fuck all of their frustrations away but Sasuke pulled him out for a quick drug run and by the time they got back, the damn party was over & she was leaving inside an Uber.

Not to mention juggling 3 girls, plus Sasuke was taking a huge toll on his energy. He didn't even have time to have fun with randoms anymore.

Which Sakura and Sasuke were very happy with. They've been keeping their eyes on him a lot more since January.

He couldn't even take a shit without them observing him. It was starting to fuck with his psyche... the blond never had any freaking time for himself.

Every other day it was either spending time with his girlfriends or it was going to spend time with Sasuke.

It was boring for him to be with them all day, every day.

Funny enough, Sasuke didn't like going to parties, clubs, bars, or anything anymore since they started messing around. Which had him questioning if he was faking it all along to be around him.

And his girlfriends weren't cutting it for him anymore. 4sums were fun but after a few times, he got bored with it.

They weren't versatile like Sugar Pop. She always had the decency to switch things up and do shit that even his perverted mind didn't think of...

"Where the fuck are we going?" He held her hands as she guided him to some unknown place. "Ocean Eyes." He heard the pleading in her voice. "Why are you always so grumpy?" She looked up at the blindfold tied around his eyes.

If he could roll his eyes, he would. "Because Sugar Pop. I don't know where we're going." The bluenette sighed. "Just be patient..." He grimly pursed his lips as they continued making it to their unknown destination.
"Take your blindfold off, Ocean Eyes." He apprehensively took them off and looked around the small room.

There was no way both of them could fit in the tight space. "Sugar-"

It was when he parted the 2 curtains that were in front of him he finally spotted the hole in the wall. "Sugar Pop, what the fuck is going on?" He was vexed and then he heard her chortle.

He knelt and peeped through the hole with his right eye & his blond brows narrowed as he continued gazing around for her. When he finally saw her his eyes widened at the sexy sight.

She dropped the long coat, revealing her curvaceous body, and slowly bent over.

He lost all his training of thought as he detected her closely & his dick instantly grew to life, stirring the urging need to release himself deep inside her.

"You know, Ocean Eyes."

She started, speaking in a sensual tone, much different from her regular voice.

"For you to be so damn pervy, I'm shocked you do not know this kinda thing..." When he saw the back of her bare pussy his dick began pulsing in his pants. He wanted to reach out and pull her waist to fuck her from behind but sadly he couldn't do that.

"Sugar Pop!" The whiskered guy bristlely stated her name as both his hands firmly pressed against the wall.

"Why are you fucking with me?"
She loved when he spoke sturdily, but Hina never admitted to him how much she loved when he got a little too rough with her in the bedroom.

𝙉𝘼𝙍𝙐𝙃𝙄𝙉𝘼 𝙄𝙉 𝙋𝙊𝙎𝙎𝙀𝙎𝙎𝙄𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now