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(S1 E9)

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The two barely escaped the mob without being noticed, with a few close calls when Kelce and Rafe got a little too close. They managed to get away, running down Figure 8 to the house that Parker goes to when she wants to calm down. John B closes the door gently behind them and grabs a random tool that was laying around just in case. They made their way up to the second floor and into a random room, closing that door behind them as well. They camp out there for a little bit before they hear the floorboards creak, causing both of them to jump to attention. John B puts himself in front of Parker, holding the hammer out threateningly. The doorknob jiggles a bit before the door is slowly pushed open. John B holds his arm up, getting ready to attack, but he stops himself when he recognizes a familiar blonde. 

Parker can't help the tears that fill her eyes as she sees Sarah Cameron, her beautiful girlfriend, stand in the doorway. "What are you--" Parker can't finish her sentence because Sarah had barreled into the room and flung her arms around the Maybank girl's neck. 

The two of them stand like that for a second before Sarah lets out a breath and pulls back. "Hi." A teardrop runs down Parker's cheek as she smiles at the shorter girl. "Hey," She chokes out. This breaks down the dam for both of the girls, and Parker lowers her head to sob into Sarah's shoulder. "I-I thought I'd never see you again."

Sarah lifts her girlfriend's head up, holding her gently. She wipes away some of the tears flowing down her face, looking her right in the eyes. "Are you okay?" Parker nods before beginning to look the Cameron girl over. "Yeah. Yeah, are you?" Sarah nods, but isn't able to respond as Parker pulls her into a kiss.

When they pull away from each other, Parker asks again, "You okay?" Sarah smiles at the Maybank girl. "I am." She keeps one of her arms wrapped around the taller blonde, but she removes the other so that she can face her girlfriend's best friend. "How about you, John B?" 

The boy in question shrugs his shoulders, replying, "Been better, but it's alright." Sarah smiles at him, but her smile drops when they all hear footsteps approaching the room. John B pushes the two girls behind him and holds the hammer up, ready for whoever comes through the door. 

Even though the three had braced themselves, none of them were able to prepare for who walked through the door. "What are you doing here, Top?!" John B exclaims, waving the hammer around wildly. 

The blonde boy raises his hands up slowly, quietly requesting, "Hey. Just take it easy, man." John B points his weapon at Topper as he takes a step, warning him not to move any further. "Just don't fuckin' move!" 

"Let me-- I just need to talk to Sarah. Please. Okay?" Parker looks at him apprehensively, still keeping her arm in front of her girlfriend protectively. "It's not too smart, is it, meeting up with two fugitives like this? Hey. I'm not... I'm not... I'm not gonna do anything, all right?" When John B still doesn't lower the hammer, Topper's eyes get cold. "What? Are you gonna try to kill me too, man? Or is it gonna be Parker?" 

PRINCESS [Sarah Cameron] ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now