25. Rules are rules

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Keeping the rules was harder to him than he thought. At least he was allowed to move into the next room beside mine. But when it comes to other man, he growls like a dog, ready to attack. My eyes made it very clear, too keep quiet or else. The one I spoke to was Pip Bernadotte, he was amazed that the vampire obeyed me, getting quiet by the minute. Once one of the soldiers got too close to my body, his growling came back. Annoyed I turned my head in his direction, "Put a sock in it will you?!"

Integra noticed Alucard's change of behaviour. From the monster that refused to swallow his pride, was handing it to me, a tiny little girl. It reminds her of her childhood, as Alucard was following her every move. Walter, who watched the scenario, chuckled, "It seems he choked his pride, just to be a part of her life." "Walter, what is he trying to get from that?" Obviously knowing nothing about his goals. The butler explained it to her during her afternoon tea. In the meantime, I pushed my boundaries a little more. Greeting every single man in the Organization. For Alucard was it nothing but torture, he rather would get hurt by his enemies than by me. Seras was also saved by his punishment, as I told him not to blame her for the cinema night. In the late afternoon, he sat down and breath out of frustration. While I grinned wide, "Look at that, the dog can actually be tamed."

"Don't push it too far. There are limits to your rules."

"So is yours. I know, why don't we go out tomorrow? To the nice cafe in London."

His red eyes showed nothing but tiredness, "Spare me the agony. Today was already enough."

"Unlike you, my life is to short to wait. I thought you wanted to be a big part of my life?"

"I do, more than anything else, but don't rush it."

Lying on the other sofa, I closed my eyes and breathed out in a steady rhythm. Lost in thoughts , I didn't hear him move. I noticed that, as he had his head on my chest, jumping at the contact, "What the hell are you doing?"

"I am tired, waking up too early is exhausting."

He grabbed my hand and placed it on his head. Words weren't necessary, I knew exactly what he wants. Slowly, I stroked his hair first, gaining a small moan from the vampire. Once I turned it to fondle his scalp, the moaning got louder. A few minutes !after, it went silent. "Alucard? Are you alright?" He stopped making a sound of pleasure, instead his eyes were closed. Sleep caught him off guard. For a minute, I thought that he looked adorable, so vulnerable. But the past made it very clear that this is all just an illusion. The butler however, had a talent to enter at the most unsuitable moments. First he see the vampire on all fours and now, cuddling up to me. I placed one finger against my lips, "He is asleep."

"Who would have thought, that you two are getting along."

"We don't. I am just not in the mood to argue."

He didn't laugh, but smiled as I stroked Alucard's hair, "It seems you have tamed the monster."

Shh, don't say that."

Walter shrugged, "He knows what he is, no one can change that...not even you. However, you did something that only Sir Integra was able to master."

"To piss him off?"

He nodded, "That too. But the one I mean is that you were able to control his power. Normally he would never bow to anyone, his pride wouldn't let him. But you, you are different."

"He only does this to get what he wants."

"It seems that he got it, but it came with a price."

I shrugged, "He didn't pay anything."

Placing the tea down he was about to leave, "You possess a monster's power in your grasp. Take good care of this responsibility."

"Shall I take it as a blessing or a curse?" I asked the butler. At this moment the vampires hand move a little up...on my chest. Walter had to suppress a chuckle, as I hit the hand away, "I let you decide this."

"...a curse."

"Well I leave you to it, Sir Integra will see you later." The butler was already at the door, as he heard me hit the vampire once more, "Keep your hands to yourself."

Walter didn't keep it to himself, informing I Integra about what he must saw. He reply would have worried me, if I was there," A monster and a girl. Sounds familiar and yet, its different. I wonder how it continues between them." "Sir Integra, don't you think that this is too dangerous for Miss N\A?" She smirked, "Of course it is, however, I am sure she can handle it."

Can I?

Later that night we had another argument, about my phone. I booked four seats at the local cinema, but he simply refuses to have two more joining us. "What is so bad about that? Pip and Sera's should have some time off too."

"Do they have to come along?"

"In this case...yes."

He looked away, annoyed, "I don't like it."

"Whenever you like it or not, they come and that's final."

His eyes glowed good red, staring deep into my eyes, "I am not going!"

"Yes you are!"



CRACK! "No!"

His anger increased, pressing all his strength into his arm...onto my phone, "...sorry..."

My glare didn't left his, "You are coming...and you owe me a new phone."

His growl got deeper, "I owe you nothing!" Furiously, he left the room, slamming the door shut. Only to rip it off his hinges.

"And a new door you oaf!"

Outside the corridor a certain soldier peaked into the room, "Are you alright?"

"Never better!" I lied.

"Sooo, is Master Alucard coming tomorrow night?"

I nodded, "You bet he will, even when it means to drag his undead ass!"

Mr Bernadotte whistled amazed, "Sounds like you like him."

"I know, it's a curse."

There is nothing that a bit of sarcasm can't cure...or a childish vampire.

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