5. The problem in red

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I pretend not to let Walter know that we have met already, I put on a fake smile and ask him a friendly tone, "What bullets shall I order for you?" He got the two guns out and handed them over with the handles in my direction. I grabbed them and he lets go.

Bam!!! Bam!!! Thump!!! The massive weights dropped me on to the floor, followed by falling head first on the floor. Alucard laughed hysterically, as Walter looked a little surprised. I smiled as good as possible, holding my head. Once I got back on my feet, the man was getting his guns off the floor. "Would you...please...get the magazine out" I tried not to sound annoyed. My head was hurting like hell. He did it with ease...smiling cheeky...showoff! Once I got both bullets, I could get the right papers and number to order them. I only left him for a minute, as suddenly, he was tipping away on the laptop. "What are you doing?!" I said in panic, receiving another skeptical glance from Walter. I leaned towards him, pushing his hands away from the keyboard "Stop doing that, you get me into trouble!" "You humans really have weird ways to entertain yourself...what is this button?" he pressed the light button...to shut off down the laptop...the wrong way.

"Aaaaaaahhhhh!" I screamed, trying to save the documents I haven't saved...to no use. "What is going on Miss N/A?" asked Walter already finished with his work. "He shut down my laptop!" I pointed at the vampire "and nothing was saved!" I whined, starting the laptop again. "For the future Miss N/A, save all documents and file them at all times."

Is he serious???? "But...he...he did it!" I yelled again, pointing at the smiling thing behind the butler. "Alucard doesn't know anything about such things, don't blame him for your mistakes" said Walter before leaving us. Did he just blame me for what this son-of-a-biscuit did??? I glared at the cheeky thing, seeing him sitting down, while his eyes kept watching me. Beep! Beep! I can finally use the thing again. "You know what? Sit right there, as far away as possible..." I said, typing the order into the document "...till this is all over."

Pitch!!!! The desktop went black.

"No, no, no ,no, n..." I looked at the man in horror. Was he just holding the cable to my laptop? Did he just pulled it out of the plug?????

"Oops" he said. "Ops?!" I was beyond furious "GET OUT NOW!!!!" My face was red as his coat, while he only stood up and chuckled at my tantrum. Once he was gone, I could finally concentrate on my work, getting the laptop to work again. That is, if there was one...

I had my suspicion.


I ran after the big guy, only to see him throwing it up and down his hand. "Don't break it!" I yelled, in fear that all of my work gets lost. "What will I get, if you get this thin box back?"

'A ticket straight to hell', I thought. "Your bloody bullets!!!" I ran towards him, trying to climb up at his huge form. He loved the situation, watching me getting higher. Since his arms were too long I sat with my legs over his shoulder, with his face between my legs. It is not very lady-like to climb a man, but right now, I had no options left. I feared Walter's wrath, as the situation was looking out of order. I am about to reach his glove as...


It feel out of his hand and on to the floor. The crash, made Integra get out of her office, "What is the meaning of ...this..." she didn't finish, as she watched the scene before her. I blushed hard "It's not what it looks like!!!" I tried, blushing hard. But Alucard decided to make it even more uncomfortable, "It's even better my master!"

"Shut up!" I whispered to him, trying to get off his shoulders. "Sir Integra, I can explain..." She cut me short, "No need Miss N/A, just do me the favor and cut your affairs to a minimum AND to your free time." With that, she was leaving us alone. I could only kick the man's leg, before yelling at him, "Don't ever speak to me again!"




Which part of 'not speaking to me'didn't he understand???

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