14. No manners at all

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Alucard makes my life a living hell.

Not only couldn't I do my job, also my free time was disturbed by this bloodsucker. After that night he chased me, he took it as a game. Instead of getting caught, he hunted me down, in the form of a giant hell hound. The same thing has ruined my training with the Wild Geese. It got worse, as the hunt got out of control. He chased me out the door, while it was raining. The wind and thunder joined soon after. End of the game: I was having a cold. Weakened by this dog, Alucard carried me back to our room. The minute he tried to put me into the bath, I stopped him "I can do this myself." "You can't even stand up on your own" he argued, using his powers to open the door.

"I can do this while sitting."

"Why don't you just let me help you?"

I gave him a skeptical look, "I know what kind of 'help' you offer."

At that moment, he lets go of my body, dropping me on the floor, "I only tired to be nice."

"Owww, just stay away from me!"

He closed the door, leaving me on the bathroom floor. For a minute, I waited till the room went silent. He was gone. Relieved, I got ready for my bath. I moaned satisfied, while my body started to relax in the warm water. Being sure, that I was alone, I closed my eyes. Completely in trance, while humming a sweet sound, I was unaware of the shadow coming out the wall. For a few minutes, I felt at peace, until I heard the familiar chuckle. Opening my eyes slowly, I screamed out. Alucard's head was popping out of the wall, his face a few inches from mine, "Peek-a-boo!"

"Walter!!!!" I screamed, lowering myself into the water. My face was red, assuming that he saw more than he should.

Alucard chuckled, "He is out with my master."


"He is out with the police girl."

Who else could I ask for help, "Guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

His smile got wider, "Out training."

I couldn't take it anymore, I was exhausted, "What have I ever done to you?!"

His face came closer, while one of his hands appeared. He supported himself against the bathtub, "You have given me a purpose in my undead life."

"And what is that?"

His face got closer. Closing my eyes on instinct, I could feel his lips against my forehead. Surprised at his gentleness, I looked at him. For one, he gave me a genuine smile, "I have lost everything. Being undead is not as good as it sounds...." His eyes were caring, "...I want to possess a life, an identity, a heart that beats. To make myself clear, I want...."


"I sneezed right at his face, my snot running down his nose. This wasn't planned though; I was embarrassed, "Sorry."

"But first, you have to get well."

Wiping his face clean, he got out of the wall. I dropped lower into the water, covering my body with bath foam. His deep chuckle concerned me.

"What a waste, hiding yourself" he said, feeling amused.

"Having no manners towards a lady is a waste! Get out now!"

He held a towel in my direction, asking me to stand up. I refused though, "Can't a woman have any privacy in her own room?!"

"Our room" he corrected.

"My room, you are only tolerated to stay."

He sighted, finally having enough of my excuses. Grabbing my arm, he pulled me out of the bath, ignoring my complaints and whiny comments. While outside was Walter, hearing the commotion. Once Alucard told him to enter, he saw him sitting beside me. I was deep red in the face, while a huge towel covered my entire body. The butler asked about what just happened. I pointed at Alucard, "Ask this pervert."


"She is overreacting."

I faced the vampire. Was he serious? "Overreacting....overreacting?! You pulled me out of the bath and you thing it is no big deal?!"

He shrugged, "It's not."

"Why you..."

"Okay you two, can you please find a way to get along? Sir Integra is expecting you to be in her office in five minutes" Walter left us alone. I didn't see it, but he seems to have smiled. Did he enjoy our constant fights? Once the door closed I faced Alucard, "Fine, if we have to get along, we clearly need some rules here."

"Rules? How boring."

"If you don't like it, there is the door!" he was like a big child, who hates to listen to his mother, "We discuss it later. We need to be in Integra's office now."

His grin turned to a mischievous smile, "And you want to go like that?" referring to my towel on me.

"I get changed while you get the hell out!"

"Need a hand?"

I glared at him, "Need a kick?"

For once, he obeyed and got out of the door. Outside, Alucard was laughing hysterical, "Humans are such wonderful creatures to play with." Whatever he meant by that, it was sure, for me it is not a good sign.

Lost in red (Alucard x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin