2. The fun begins

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Once arriving at the club, was an angry girl waiting for me, "You took your bloody time again didn't you?!" yelling right into my face. I backed away and raised my hands in defense, "It wasn't my fault, there were these spooky figures in the park, that went 'poof' all of a sudden and then a guy appeared, licking my leg." I was all over the place. I lifted my feet up to prove it, she only rolled her eyes annoyed, "So you made a ridiculous story up, because you had a quickie with a guy in the park?!" I shook my head violently, "What do you think I am? It's nothing like that. That guy isn't my type anyway." Afterwards, I made an impression of throwing up.

My friend seems to be distracted by something behind me, ignoring me. Whatever it was, it grabbed on to my shoulder, "How unfortunate, I thought you liked it...as much as I did." It was the man from earlier, my friend could only frown at me, "So, nothing happened eh? You're such a liar!" She left us alone outside, while she went back in. "Leave me alone", I tried in a friendly tone, removing his hand from me. Instead of doing so, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside the building.

"What on earth are you doing?!"

"Enjoying the night...with you. Let's have a little fun shall we?"

He dragged me onto the dance floor, holding me close. We were dancing together, as he moved his arm around my waist pulling me closer, "No need to be shy, dear. The night is still young." It began to get uncomfortable as his hand moved down my back, out of an instinct; I pulled my knee up to hit him between the legs. Unfortunately, he was faster, "That's not very lady-like now is it?" Now I was angry, how dare he touches me like he would own me. "Same goes for you, you perv!" I tried to get rid of this creep, as my friend got in my way, "Hey, what are you doing? Come sit with us, enjoy yourself for once." She seems to be in a better mood now than before. I could see him still starring at me from the dance floor, it freaked me out. I grabbed on to my friend and whispered into her ear, "Don't let that creep get anywhere near me." "Who, the hot looking man over there?" she asked pointing at him. "Don't point at him...oh great...he's coming." I begged my friend to get rid of him, but I should have known that she is evil. Across the dancefloor, she shouted, "Hey hot shot, would you like to join us...and your one night stand?!" I wanted to kill her so badly for that; it got worse as she explained the reason for this, "That's payback for your little adventure'." I growled at her, "For the thousands time...nothing happened!!!" Why did I even bother to explain it to her, she didn't believe me before either. But to be honest, who would?

I tried something else to get rid of him, "Oh gee, there isn't enough space for you to sit, maybe next time" I grinned wide, that should do the trick... "Or N/A can sit on your lab...wouldn't be the first time"...or not. She seems to enjoy torturing me tonight!

In a few seconds, I was sitting on him...I never felt so humiliated in my entire life. Normally I don't mind being touched, but by him...it's agonizing.

My friend went even further, as she began to flirt with him, "So gorgeous, do you have a name?" I could have puked at her attempt. "Alucard" he said casual, massaging my back. I needed a lot of control, not to slap him in front of the others, instead I leaned towards his ear, "One move lower and it will be the death of you." He only laughed out loud, "I look forward to it" giving me a kiss on the head. Ewwwww!!!

"It seems you two are an item right? How about you join us another time at our place?" Did she really have to invite him??? "I'll be honored to come, where do you live?" Oh no, not with me, I tried to interrupt this conversation, as he covered my mouth with his hand. "(The address, house number and name) you can't miss it. It's worth coming" she said, moving hear hair back. He, on the other hand, released my mouth. "I bet it is" he said, looking deep into my eyes.

His torment went on for another hour, before we finally part ways...yes!!!

He didn't leave though, before kissing my hand, "Till next time N/A." "Hehehe, yeah...sure" I said, while thinking, "Not on your life!"

My friend dragged me away heading towards our flat, we had shared for a year. "Okay, time to say got by love birds, see you around ...Alucard" she said seductively, winking at him. I thought this night would never end, until she pushed me into a wall, "What the hell did you do that for?!" She gave me the most evil glare I even seen, "Keep your hand off him...he's mine." "Eh?" I was caught off guard, I never seen her act this way before. "Why?" She went right into my face, "It's the way he touches you, the way he talks to you and the way he looks at you... when he comes...you better be not there."

And here I thought it would be a wonderful night, for once having a little fun. I never expected to turn out this way. I wiped the dirt of me; giving her a small smile "He is all yours."

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