6. A mean trick

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Unfortunately, he didn't have to speak at all. He had his own way to piss me off.

"Miss N/A..." interrupted me the Butler with a small smile "...could you clean the basement for me please?" Since Walter doesn't ask me for a favour all too often, I agreed to do it for him.

It turned out to be a disaster, the minute I arrived there. The place looked like a room of a five-year-old, who couldn't be bothered to clean up his mess. In between it all sat the child, in a chair, only that he has an appearance of an adult. It would have been bearable, if I wouldn't known this face all too well. With a smirk he greeted me, "So you clean up for today? I am honoured." "Since no one taught you on how to do it yourself... it appears so." Instead of feeling bad, he grinned wide, "Well, what are you waiting for?" I wonder if pissing off people could be counted as 'special talent', because he was a freaking pro!

Without waiting another minute, I began to clean up the mess, while he watched me with interest. His eyes scanned me from afar, following my every step. However, that wasn't the most disturbing thing today. I had to pick up...empty blood packs. What a waste, I thought. I inspected the packages and noticed, they weren't all from the same blood type. Who needs so many bags and why waste them all? Wait a minute...where is the blood? The bags are all empty! While I continued my train of thoughts, a small chuckle made me jump. Moving my head towards him, I would see him still looking. "Will you stop undressing me?" I said, getting his attention. "I have no need to do such thing, I just...enjoy the view" he said bluntly, getting something from his coat. "If that is all you do, it's fine with me..." I turned my back to him. But the whole situationwas odd. I had to ask him, "...can you explain to me why there are so many empty blood bags are..." I stopped speaking, as he sat there cross-legged, holding a similar item towards his lips. It was disturbing, when I heard the sound...like he was drinking the red liquid. My eyes widened, "...lying around?" Once he finished, he dropped it onto the floor beside him, watching me with glowing red eyes. My own blood has run cold, as the mop fell out of my hands.


As fast as my legs could take me, I ran up the stair. Frightened I closed the door, preventing him to follow as Walter came my way. He looked concerned at my pale face, "Goodness Miss N/A, what happened?" I had hoped he would believe me, but as I explained him the situation, his expression went back to a small smile, "I see, no one informed you about Alucard." I was quite shocked at his casual reply, "Is there something I should know about, Walter?" I tried to sound calm, but I was too scared to hide my fear. He was about to say something as his mouth closed, looking behind me. A huge pair of hands grabbed me from behind, followed by his body out of the wall. he leaned his head next to mine, "I think it should only be fair for me to tell you." Even as I protested, he pulling me back into the basement and closed the door. Walter could only pray for my safety, as he is well aware of the ancient vampire's behaviour.

And here I thought I get an answer. I didn't get it, not until I cleaned the floor, while he went back to his chair. "I thought you were supposed to tell me about you" I whined, holding the bags in between two fingers, feeling disgusted by all the smell. "All in good times, you should do your job first before getting your reward" he said, leaning back, taking another bag out of his coat. I asked him about the job I was supposed to do. He smiled, "Clean the entire floor and remove all the blood bags, then I tell you." I mumbled to myself doing it as he said... escaping from there was impossible anyway.

Minutes later, I was done. Not a single bag was in sight or a stain of blood everywhere.


I moved my head towards the sound. I saw, as he emptied the package and dropped it next to his chair, while grinning "You missed one." Bastard, I mumbled moving over. Still fearing him, I went over, very slowly, watching his every move. I flinched at his deep laugh, before he leaned towards me, "I don't bite, I had enough for today." With a quick move I took the bag away, heading towards the bin nearby.


Are you kidding me?! I screamed in my head, as another bag was near his chair again, only this time on the other side. He chuckled at my glare, as I came back...slowly. Almost in reach for the bag his hand grabbed my wrist, faster than I could blink. Pulling me close, now being eye to eye with him, "You are not good at cleaning yourself, aren't you" he said, with a deep, but seductive voice. "It's not my fault, if you drop one every five seconds!" I said, getting shushed by his finger on my lips. "I didn't mean the bag on the floor..." he said, holding his wrist towards me "...clean this blood." He demanded and I obeyed, taking a piece of cloth out. However, he ripped the material off my hands, dropping it next to him, "...clean it...with your tongue."

My body began to shake at this, while my stomach felt sick at the thought. He was serious about this; he pulled his hand towards my lips, touching it slightly. A bit of blood dripped on to my bottom lip. "Lick it" he demanded, his voice was sharper than before. He wouldn't let me go till I will bow to his wishes. His smile got wider, as I opened my mouth, almost touching his wrist. Almost in reach, as suddenly...he withdraws. He leaned forward fast, catching my mouth with his, letting his tongue dance with mine. I tried to scream and to push him off, I couldn't move away, that is until he released me. His quick move made me fall backwards towards the floor.

I watched in horror from there, as he licked his lips satisfied. "It's been centuries since I had kissed anyone. I was longing to do this ever since that night we met."

I was getting sick at this, running upstairs towards my room. He actually didn't stop me this time. It was a good thing for me, while I was hanging over the toilet vomiting. He tasted like blood and the smell, it was too much for my stomach to handle. I never thought that vampires could be such vile creatures.

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