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"Any news of him?" I asked the body guards who were assigned to look after my brother.

"No sir nothing" they replied in union

"Fanculo," I cursed with frustration
(𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯: 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬)

"Well, go find him! and don't come back until you have my brother with you!" I yelled, pouring all my frustration in that statement.

"bro, take it easy on them. You are actually to blame for this you know, better pray to heavens nothing happens to him adrian"  ayrain said to me and he normally calls me by my name whenever he is dead serious and now is one of those times

"I've told you over and over again he's just a kid, and you should mind the way you talk to him testa di cazzo,( 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯: You dick head)
if you know he is to much for you to handle then give him to me I will fuckin take care of him, how hard is it for you to take care of a kid?" he says frustrated

ayrain and I go way, way back, we've know each other since birth because our parents were childhood friends, his mum was my mums best friend and they would do everything together they both even got pregnant with me and ayrain at the same time and gave birth to us same day and even named us similar names, we are basically brothers and were both in separable.

"how would I have known the gate was opened and he would run away?, blaming me won't bring him back, so suck it up your damn ass" I said as ayrain looked at me like he was about to pounce on me and I wasn't backing out as I too glared at him, if one thing we both never do is to back down. ever.

we were still exchanging glares and cursing each other out when my phone rang, making ayrain walk up to me as we both hoped it was news about micheal.

"Just my manager," I said as Adrian gave me a disappointed look

"You better not be thinking about work at this moment, asshole. I'm going out to look for Michael. Call me if you find something." he said as he took his car keys and left the building

"This better be important," I said to the manager on the phone after picking the call-up

"yes it is sir, the client you weren't able to meet today at the restaurant,  because of the search for your brother, I had attended in place of you, we secured the deal sir, and I also saw your brother entering in the same restaurant with someone" he said to me, and I will be honest the only part I heard was the part of finding my brother.

"Who is he with?" I asked, trying to keep my cool

"he's with a lady, and she seems to be buying him food," he responded

"Okay, keep an eye on them both, and don't let them leave, I will be there," I said as I hung up then called Ayrian

"Any news?" he asked with a worried tone

"Yes, my manager said he found him at a restaurant, he's with a lady, apparently. I'm on my way their right now, " I said to him, and ayrain being ayrian, he replied,

"Of course you will be on your way, their you dick head, send me the damn address. I will meet you there," he said, then hung up

"God, he's so annoying." I said to myself, then sent the address to him.

time pass~~

I got to the restaurant and practically sprinted up the stair case leading to the entrance, I looked around and saw my manager then saw my brother with the lady, I was about to walk up to them and take him away, but stopped in my tracks when someone pulled me back, I looked back to see who it was and it was ayrian.

"bro wth are you trying to do?" he asked, to which I gave him a confused look

"going to get micheal you dumb fuck" I said to him like it wasn't obvious enough

"Well no shit sherlock of course I knew that" he said then pulled me to seat on an empty table which was about 4 tables away from where they were sat.

"bro, we should go get micheal," I said to ayrain again

"Look at micheal" ayrian said to me

"yah what about him?" I asked looking so clueless

ayrian pinched the breach of his nose as he slapped the back of my head

"ouch, what was that for?" I asked rubbing my head

"if you look closely you will notice micheal laughing and chatting with her like he normally does when aunty and uncle were alive" he said, and come to think of it..ayrian was right.

ever since my parents died, micheal's spark died along with them, for the past 2years he hasn't spoken to anyone aside me ayrian, and even tho he was to speak to either of us its no more than 4 sentences, but here he was looking so happy with her, he looks more..alive, its been so long I've seen my brother this happy with some did she do it?

"he seems more alive," I said to ayrain

"I wonder how she did it..." ayrain said, he is as surprised as I am

"bro, we need her game card," we both said in Union, then chuckled

"feels good to see him this happy after a while," I said

"true its as if he's known her for a long time" ayrian replied 

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