He's not okay. -2k12-

Start from the beginning

Mikey stood up, planting his feet onto the ground. He grabbed his nunchucks and put them in their holder in his belt. He then went over to his door, cracking it open slightly to make sure no one was around.

"Alright." Mikey spoke softly to himself, opening the door all the way after confirming no one was present. "Ninja mode!" He whisper-yelled, stepping out side of his room.

"Mikey?" The orange-clad turtle heard Raph yell, startling him and causing him to bolt out of the lair.

Mikey sighed in relief as he came to a slow stop on the rooftops.

Its been awhile sense hes been outside. Mainly because Leo didn't want him hurting himself or anyone else. It was all crap to Mikey.

He glanced across the street, his eyes locking where Jet wanted him to meet up. He lept down from the roof and in front of the building. "Eesh. Why here of all places?" Mikey spoke to himself, walking into the dark and empty science lab.

He heard soft chuckling from behind. "Hm?" Mikey hummed, turning around, his eyes meeting only darkness. "Is that you, bro?"

"Who else would it be?" Jet spoke. You could hear the sinister smile in his voice. "Right. Are there any lights in here? I can't see." Mikey asked, glancing around the darkness of the room.

"No. There's no lights. It's not like there needs to be, anyway." Jet purred softly. Mikey flinched as he felt a pair of arms wrap about his waist from behind. "Its just us."

Mikey felt Jets breath brush against his neck, causing a shiver to ripple down his spine. He elbowed the man in the side, causing Jet to release him. "I knew this wasn't a good idea!" Mikey exclaimed, trying to maneuver her way through the darkness.

He began to make his way to the door, stumbling over boxes and sharp objects which sliced his leg, causing him to wince in pain. It wasn't anything he wasn't familiar with, though. He was okay.

Mikey felt an arm grab hold of his own.

He was okay.

He grunted as he was aggressively shoved against a wall, shell first.

He was okay.

Mikey squirmed, bit, and kicked, trying to get him away, but to no prevail.

He wasn't okay.

Not anymore.

"Mikey, open up the damn door!" Raph demanded, banging on the door to his youngest brothers room.

"Guys? What are you doing?" Leo asked, stepping out of the dojo.

"Mikey isn't coming outta his damn room. He's glued to that computer Don gave him." Raph grunted. Leo sighed, pulling a key out of his pouch and approching the door. He stuck the key in the lock and twisted it to the right, unlocking it.

Raph shoved the door open eagerly, stepping inside, Donnie and Leo right behind him. He glanced around Mikeys room, realizing Mikey wasn't here. Raphs nose scrunched up, his eyes locking in his computer, which was open on his bed.

He approached it, kneeling down and reading through the open messages Mikeys been having with Jet. "Goddamnit, Micheal." Raph grumbled under his breath, standing up.

"Whats wrong?" Leo asked, him and Donnie moving out of the way as Raph exited the room.

"Mikey went to meet up with some dude.. again." Raph growled. "Follow me. I know where he is."

The three brothers peered into the roof using a window. "You sure he's in here? Looks abandoned. There's not even any light." Don asked. "I'm sure, Donnie." Raph responded, opening the window, gripping his sai in his opposite hand.

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