Chapter 8 - Group Project

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The professor gives everyone a packet that explains the details of the group project. "You are not allowed to do the project in class. You have to find your own time to go through it as a group. Exchange numbers or socials and make sure everyone is active. Today, class will end early to give you time to communicate with your group members and set things up. Have a good rest of your day!" And with that, the professor packed up his things and left the lecture hall.

I pick my head up from the desk and look at Ivy. She has a huge smile on her face, "We're in the same group! How lucky is that?!" I laugh and smile with her; her positivity is a little contagious. Mateo put his arms around my shoulders and pulled my head onto his chest, "You better not slow us down, alright?" I playfully roll my eyes and flick his forehead as I sit back up, "You out of all people shouldn't be talking!" He laughs and flips me off.

Alejandro stands up, "We should all exchange phone numbers. I'll make a group chat for us to discuss the project." Ivy, Mateo, Azaria, and I agree. We exchange phone numbers and Alejandro makes a group chat. Mateo raises an eyebrow, "Aren't we missing Leo? Who is he anyway?" I stand up, "Oh, I know who he is. I have his number, so I'll add him to the group chat. I'll also go wake him up."

While the others start packing up their things and talking, I walk over to Leo's seat and crouch down next to him. He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping; I almost don't want to wake him up.

I nudge his arm that's supporting his head and he slowly opens his eyes. Our eyes meet and a small smile appears on his face, "Hello, bellissima." I playfully roll my eyes, "I wish you would stop calling me that. Or at least tell me what it means." He ignores my comment as usual, "Well, why did you wake me up?" I fill him in on the group project and how we're in the same group. He nods and sits up, while looking at the other members of our group talking amongst themselves. "Of course I get put in a group with a bunch of extroverts."

I laugh at his comment and stand up while he gets up as well. We walk over to the group and I introduce Leo to the rest of them. Leo doesn't say much, but mainly stands behind me. Mateo is slightly glaring at Leo, while Ivy can't help but ask him questions.

Azaria walks to the row that we're all in and stands next to Mateo, "Since everyone's free for the next two hours, we can go to a cafe and discuss the project." She latches onto Mateo's arm and looks up at him for approval. I roll my eyes at her clinginess and fold my arms across my chest. Ivy looks back and forth between the three of us and it looks like a lightbulb went off in her head. Mateo finally speaks, "Yeah, sure. Let's all go."

Everyone agrees and we go to a small cafe that's outside of the campus. We sit at one of the booths with Alejandro, Mateo, and Azaria on one side and Leo, me, and Ivy on the opposite side. We discuss the country that we're going to do our project on and six major cities in the country to do our research. Every person researches their own city and we come together as a group in a week to discuss our findings.

Ivy leans back in her chair and exhales, "Thank goodness Professor Anderson gave us a month to complete this assignment." Alejandro laughs, "Yeah. But it sucks that we have to present it in front of the class." Mateo pouts a little, "Agreed, presenting sucks."

We all order pastries and coffee or hot chocolate from the cafe as we start to talk about random topics. Leo barely talked unless he was asked a question, but it seemed like he's listening intently. Alejandro seems to be acting like the "leader" of the group by talking the most, always standing up, and trying to get everyone to join in the conversation. Ivy is mainly laughing and snacking on the multiple muffins she bought. Azaria is sitting next to Mateo and keeps grabbing onto his arm and leaning on him, but he doesn't seem to be paying her any mind because he's playing footsies with me under the table.

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