+ Waiting is Over +

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Katsuki patted for Izuku's hand till he found them and held onto them tighter. "Do you have to blindfold me though? Could have asked me to close my eyes."

"No, that isn't fun. Plus you cheat baby."

Katsuki dramatically gasped at that. "Who said that?! I don't cheat. The only bitch that cheats is Kayla. That little Spanish mongoose cheats in everything and then snitches! So not only does she cheats but if you make a mistake she uses it deflect it off of her."

Izuku listened to his boyfriend go on a whole rant about Kayla and her cheating in games and never being caught. Now he wondered if that is a always cause she had to be caught but Katsuki gave a hard, "Fuck no," as his answer.

"Ok, lift your foot."

"Ok..now?-oh fuck."

Izuku caught him before he fell and laughed a bit when Katsuki almost lost his balance again. Then he was clinging to him in hopes to never embarrass himself again.

"You told me you will hold me!"

"I told you to lift your foot."

"Yeah when?!"

"Ok I'm sorry, I'll rub your foot and kiss it to make up for it." Izuku said as he held onto Katsuki and guided him over to the door.

Katsuki frowned and huffed. "Whatever.." Izuku smiled and kissed his cheek. "Ok, stay here for second."


"Two seconds."


Izuku opened the door and spoke the person inside. The person smiled and steps outside to see the male, blindfolded and waiting there.

Katsuki heard the muffled speaking between his boyfriend and a female voice. He frowned more till he felt Izuku place his hand on his side and guided him forward.

"Be careful."

"Mhm I got it."

Katsuki stepped inside somewhere and was embraced by cold air. He shiver for a second, and covered himself with his hands.

Izuku stepped behind and greeted those inside with a nod.

"Mama, remember when you told me about a place you wanted to go oh so desperately?"

Katsuki's brows furrowed. " A place? I can't remember, enlighten me." Izuku hummed. "It's somewhere you've been whining about to go to." Katsuki stood there thinking in silence. Then it clicked.

"Wait..the salon..? I wanted to go there for the longest while. Why?.."

Izuku smiled and moved forward. "Well, what a surprise I have for you." Katsuki felt the blindfold loosen and dropped. His vision was give back, a bit blurry but with a few more blinking on the bright light, he saw people standing there and something about the place now made sense.

The smell, the clattering and everything.

Katsuki was left shocked and swooning even more now. Izuku had given what he has been begging to go for the longest time now.

"Izuku..you didn't.."

"I did." Izuku calmly replied, his smiling face hurting but his heart brightened knowing his lover was happy about his gift. Katsuki came in and hugged him. "Surprise Mama.."

"Thank you.."

They shared a passionate kiss, nothing in it but love and affection went into that short smooch. Someone cleared their throat and they pulled off, meeting eyes with a two colored eyes male. His hair was two colors. One half was red the other was white.

Crazy but he is MineUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum