Chapter 8

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Time Skip: 1 week

~Bucky's POV~

We've been on the front lines for about a week now. Every day I miss Diana more and more. She's just a constant thought in my mind. If anything, I'm not fighting for my country, I'm fighting for Diana. I did make a friend though. John Hansley. He left his wife and two kids at home, but he also fought in the Great War but not until the end. I sat next to him on the train, and we started talking. He's a real nice guy and is good company. 

"Barnes you've got a letter." One of the other guys comes over and hands it to me before continuing on and passing out the other letters. 

I've been waiting to hear that for a while. I look at it and see that it's from Diana. I quickly open it and read over what it says. My heart yearns for her. 

"Whatcha reading?" John comes up behind me.

"Diana sent me a letter." I read over it again before folding it and putting it in my pocket. 

"Oh, sweet I'm still waiting on one from Liv." He sits down and takes a cigarette out. He overs me one but I refuse. Diana was never a fan of smoking, so I have never done it. 

"Wow I'm surprised. I figured one would've been sent out by now." 

"She probably did send it out. It probably still on its way. I'm not too worried about it. Plus, I already sent her one." 


"Don't tell me you haven't sent Diana one yet." I just stare at him. "Well get your ass on it. You have no excuse to not have already sent her one."

"I'm pretty sure the war is a good one." 

"I don't care go write her one now." He pushes me and I laugh. 

I head back to my bunk and search for a paper and pen. 


I miss you more than anything. I am so sorry I had to leave. If it was up to me, I would have never left. They didn't wait to throw us to the front lines. I have been fighting nonstop. As I fight, I think about you and only you. I have come to the realization that I am not fighting for our country. Not like these other men at least. I am fighting for you. My love for you will never falter. While on the train I sat next to a man, John Hansely. We got to talking and he told me about his wife and kids and how he fought in the first world war. I told him all about you. We have become close, and I fight alongside him every day. He is my closest friend here. You would love him. He never fails to speak his mind. I just miss you so much. I fall asleep at night longing to have you in my arms again. What do you mean Steve is in the army? They actually accepted him? I can't believe that. He can't even pick up a lamp what do you mean he's fighting in the war? If I see him, I'll kick his ass for actually getting accepted. Just know Doll, I love you more than anything. You are the light of my world. I will love you until the very last star in the sky burnt out into oblivion. I will fight every day to come home to you. 

I love you till the end of the line.

- Bucky

I put the letter in an envelope and put it in the going out box and the office. Then all of a sudden, I hear sirens. I run back to John to see what's going on.

"What's going on." I watch as John packs his stuff in a bookbag and grabs his gun.

"Air strike we need to go! Grab your stuff!"

I follow his instructions and pack my stuff in my bookbag. I grab my gun and we run to take shelter. Once the bombs stop, we head out only to see the Axis group heading towards us. It looks like the Germans. We don't hesitate to get in formation. John screams some orders, and everyone follows. I begin to shoot, killing anyone in the way. I hate having to kill people. The only thought that can ease my mind and conscience is Diana. I'm doing it for Diana. I'm not a murderer. 

Till the End of the LineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora