Chapter 4

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*Warning contains slight smut scenes and talk about an eating disorder*

As we walk in, I set my stuff down on the table by the door, and Bucky takes my coat off and places it on the coat rack. "Would you like anything? I have the stuff to make pasta if you haven't eaten yet." Bucky starts to walk towards the kitchen, and I follow close behind.

"No, I'm okay." I sit down on a stool at the kitchen counter. "I already ate."

Bucky gives me a stern look. "Oh yeah, you ate? What did you have?"

"Uh," I stutter trying to think of something quick.

"That's what I thought. I'm making you pasta." Bucky turns to start getting things out to make spaghetti.

"You really don't have to I'm good."

"Too late I'm making you dinner and there's nothing you can do to stop me. My beautiful doll needs to eat." Bucky starts boiling the water.

I just sit there admiring him as he makes pasta. I know I should eat every meal but it's hard to. I love Bucky so much and I love how he cares so much about me. If only he understood why.

"Why don't you eat doll? All I want is what's best for you. Why must you torture yourself like this?"  Bucky places a plate with pasta in front of me. He comes around the counter and sits on the stool next to me. He grabs my hands kissing both of them softly.

I look down a bit embarrassed. Bucky lifts my head. "Doll you can tell me anything. Whatever it is I will listen."

"I guess I'm just afraid that if I'm not skinny enough you'll leave me." I refuse to let my eyes meet his.

"Hey look at me. Why would you ever think that? I would never leave you for your looks." Bucky tried to reassure me. 

"Well, all these girls are so skinny, and look at me." I gesture to myself. "I'm nowhere near looking like that."

"Diana. You look amazing. I would never ever leave you. I love you too much." Bucky pauses looking around. "I've been trying to find the right time to ask you this. I've wanted to ask you this for a long time but I guess every time I tried it wasn't the right time. We always got interrupted or something happened. And I hate having to ask you know with me getting deployed tomorrow morning and everything but I just can't wait until I come back. I definitely regret not asking you sooner."

"Buck your rambling." I place my hand on his.

"Sorry, I'll get to the point." Bucky stands up pulling me with him. He fixes his clothes and holds my hands. He then slowly gets down on one knee and pulls out a small box. "Diana Victoria Rogers I've loved you since the day we met. Honestly, I can't remember my life before you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I hate seeing you so upset with yourself. So I guess what I'm trying to ask is will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He opens the box revealing the diamond ring.

I stand there stunned. "Of course, I'll marry you, James Buchanan Barnes." I hold my left hand out allowing Bucky to slip the ring onto my ring finger.

Before he can stand up I bend down quickly kissing him on the lips. Bucky stands deepening the kiss. He drags his tongue along my bottom lip. I part them just a little allowing him access to my mouth. Bucky lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist not breaking the kiss. He carries me all the way to his bedroom kicking the door close; never once breaking the kiss. Once we're in his room he gently places me on the bed and starts kissing my neck. He takes his jacket off and then goes back to kissing my neck.

Time skip

I turn to lay on his chest. Admiring him. He pulls me closer and rubs his hand up and down my back.

"I'm glad my first could be with you."

"I'm glad your first could be with me too." We both laugh. "I promise you as soon as I get back from the war we'll get married."

"But what if you don't come home to me." I look up at him with sad eyes.

"Well now I have even more to live for so there's no doubt I'll come home." I soon fall asleep in his arms worried about the days to come.


As Diana lays in my arms fast asleep I can't help but also worry. As much as I truly loved her and did want to marry her, I knew it was reckless of me to ask her the night before I left for Europe.  I couldn't guarantee that I would come home. Now I have something to fight for, but you can't control the world.

I decide that it's not worth thinking about right now since there was no way I could change it. Instead, I'll focus on what I have right now, a beautiful girl sleeping beside me. Plus, I should get some sleep before tomorrow.

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