Chapter 1

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The 1940's what a time to be alive. Roosevelt is president and we're in the middle of a war, great isn't it. Stark Industries is booming, coming out with all kinds of new technology every day it seems. Tonight I'm going with my big brother, Steve Rogers, and partner Bucky Barnes to the World Exposition of Tomorrow. Bucky said they would meet me here, so I waited in front of the Modern Marvels Pavilion for them. Not long after I get there I spot Bucky and Steve walking towards me. Bucky waves while Steve is slumped next to him, clearly not wanting to be here. Steve has always hated going places with Bucky and I cause it makes him feel like a tag along since we're dating.

"Hey doll, glad you could make it." Bucky gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh, I wouldn't have missed this for the world! Hey Stevie how have you been?" I go to hug Steve but before I do I notice a small cut on his lip. "Oh my god, Steve what happened? Are you okay? How did this happen?" I grab his face trying to make sure the cut isn't infected.

"Diana it's fine, I'm okay, it's just a scratch. You don't have to baby me, you know you are a year younger than me." Steve pulls his face back a little, turning his head away from me.

"You got into another fight didn't you?" I wait for Steve to respond but he doesn't look at me. "Steve we talked about this, you can't just go around getting into fights all the time. Did you at least clean it correctly?" I give him a stern look.

"Yes I cleaned it correctly and I don't just go around getting into fights, it's not my fault the guy was being a jerk." Steve looks back at me, allowing me to look at it.

"Well, it's not too deep so it should be okay. Also, may I remind you that I'm not babying you I just care enough about you that I don't want to see you hurt. If I don't take care of you no one will, now that mom and dad are gone I'm all you have." I grab a hold of Bucky's hand. "Let's go, I don't wanna miss Howard Stark going on." I playfully tug Bucky's arm.

"You heard the lady, let's go." Bucky laughs as I pull him towards the stage and push my way to the front.

"Ladies, you know how hard it can be putting on makeup in a car that's bouncing like a kangaroo on a trampoline." Howard Stark watches, amused, as the crowd laughs. "What if I told you that in just a few short years, your automobile wouldn't touch the ground at all?" Stark hits a button. The Cadillac rises, leaving its tires on the ground. The crowd gasps. Bucky, Steve, and I gape impressed.

"Oh. My. God." Bucky and I say in unison before laughing slightly.

"With Stark Gravitic Reversion Technology (patent pending), you'll be able to do just tha-" There's a pop and an explosion. The car slams to the stage. "I did say a few years, didn't I?" The crowd laughs and cheers.

"Hey, how about we go get a chocolate soda?" Bucky puts his arm around me and smiles.

"That sounds lovely." Bucky laughs pulling me closer.

"Steve what do you thi-" He turns around to ask Steve but in his place is a little girl staring up at him. He smiles at her and looks around trying to find Steve. He sees a big sign saying "Enlist here." Bucky sighs and looks down at me with concerned eyes.

"Let me talk to him this time." Not wanting to let me go by myself Bucky hesitates before slowly nodding his head. I'm the only one that can get through to him. "Thank you. I'll be back in a jiffy." I stand on my tippy toes to kiss Bucky's cheek. I run to where everyone goes to enlist. I find Steve standing in front of a mirror. He's now wearing a G.I. uniform. His downcast eyes barely see over the collar. I can't help but feel sorry for him. His whole life he has been bullied for his size and all he's ever wanted to do was prove that he is capable of doing whatever it was he put his mind to. Of course, I believed that he was capable of doing whatever he wanted; I was just afraid he wouldn't come back from the war, just like how our father didn't come back. I feared Bucky wouldn't either but there was no stopping him, he didn't have a choice. He had to go. I slowly walk up to him gently placing my hand on his shoulder. 

"You know we didn't just invite you here to run off. We really want you to enjoy this with us. We're gonna get a chocolate soda."

"You go ahead, I'll catch up soon." Steve turns to look at me clearly not wanting to be the third wheel and slightly hoping I would leave so he could try and enlist. Just one more time.

"You're going to try and enlist aren't you?" I give him a sad look.

Steve sighs knowing I'd see right through him if even thought about lying. "The least I can do is try." He pauses as I give him a look of disappointment. "You don't think I can do it."

"This isn't some back alley, Steve. It's a war. Why are you so keen to fight? There're lots of other important jobs-" I start.

"You want me to sit in a factory?" Steve cuts me off. "Collect scrap metal in my little red wagon while the men are laying down their lives? I can do as well as them and I have no right to do any less. Why are you so worked up about this Ana? Why do you care so much? You're my younger sister, not my mom." He starts to get upset.

"Steve, I can't lose you. Not like how I lost mom and dad. Every night I fall asleep worrying that one day they'll catch you lying on your enlistment forms or even worse except you. I'm worried sick about Bucky leaving but I can't change that. All I want is to know that you'll come home. Both of you. I couldn't stop Bucky but I can try and stop you." I gave him a sad look, hoping that that was enough to get through his thick skull.

"Why don't you go get that soda with Bucky I'll see you at home." He hugs me.

"Promise you won't do anything stupid." I give him a scornful look.

"I'll try now, go, Bucky's waiting for his doll." Steve mimics Bucky, making me laugh.

"I love you, you idiot." I hug Steve before turning to go back to Bucky.

"I love you too," Steve calls after me before turning and heading into the enlistment office.

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