"The collar," North said in a dark tone. "Is it real?"

"It's real," Lupita said and quickly changed into the shorts. "I can't say who did it." She went to walk to the door but North stood in her way. "I won't tell you."

"It was the vampire," North said and Lupita felt her shoulders sag. "I won't tell anyone," North said and handed her a piece of cloth. "To cover your neck," she explained when Lupita gave her a questioning look. Lupita nodded and pulled it over her head and down to her neck to hide the collar. "Cool tattoos," North said and motioned to the moons on her arms.

"Thank you," Lupita said and subconsciously rubbed her arms.

They walked outside and met up with the other werewolves and vampires. Lupita's eyes immediately fell on Ambrosia who was standing off to the side beside the vampire that MJ was dating. She could feel the heat rise to her cheeks as a pit formed in her stomach at seeing the girl. She was wearing all black, just like all the other vampires. However, Lupita saw that most of the girls wore clothes that were a little tighter compared to the boys' loose-fitting t-shirts and/or shorts.

"I can kill her if you want me to," North whispered in her ear when she saw the vampire.

"No," Lupita said and shook her head. She smiled and waved when Ambrosia's eyes landed on her. "She is my mate. I just need to be patient."

"For her sake, I hope she is quick," North said and Lupita heard the wolf growl beside her.

"Who stepped on your tail?" Jazmyn said as she appeared beside her.

"Asshole vampires," North grumbled and Lupita saw their canines grow and their shoulders tense.

"Ok!" They all turned to the teachers who were standing on top of a small stage. "We all know the werewolves are tired so we will have no teasing and petty fights amongst you. We know that there is some petty rivalry between vampires and werewolves. Today is about fitness and to start the new moon cycle on a happy note."

"These teachers are idiots," Lupita hears North mumble beside her. She had to agree. An agelong war between the two would leave everlasting wounds on both sides that wouldn't so easily be fixed by running and messing around.

"Now," A new teacher said. Lupita took her time to look at each of them. Two were women. One of them was a vampire with dark but pale skin who had dark hair and was wearing a tight black outfit. The other had shoulder-length, fluffy black hair and dark skin and was wearing more loose-fitting clothes in neutral colors. The men were the same, only that the werewolf was blonde and pale for a werewolf, and the vampire was paper white with slicked-back, short, black hair. "We will be doing some activities here and then you will all run for a few hours in the forest."

"Hours?" Jazmyn said in disbelief and sighed.

"They expect top speed as well," North said with a wicked smile as Jazmyn hit her arm.

"We will divide you into groups now," the female vampire said and brought out a clipboard. She started listing names that Lupita had only heard in passing or role-call at the beginning of class. Lupita zoned out and absentmindedly leaned on North. In turn, North wrapped a comforting arm around her. She soon realized that they were calling out in groups of four and paring two vampires and two werewolves, often two girls and two boys. Who would she end up with? She hoped North or Jazmyn, she didn't want to be with someone she didn't know.

"Lupita, North, Rowan, and Ambrosia!" Lupita snapped her head up at the mention of her name and felt her stomach bubble.

"I'll see you guys," Jazmyn said and waved. "Got paired up with Isak and two other vampires. Good luck."

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