"Louis" Vincent said after a while of watching his son's chest rise and fall, "he's going to be okay."

"Did Niall say that?" Louis  asked, not moving his eyes from Harry's pale face.

"Niall said that he'd be okay, but his leg won't be as strong as it was before, and he will most likely need a walking stick to help him," Liam said, also trying to reply to Zayn in his mind when he asked if Louis was okay.

Louis' face then turned blank. His frown was gone, though nothing replaced it. He looked so empty.

"Why would he jump in front of a gun for me? Why did he do something so stupid?"

"Because he could." Vincent climbed on the bed next to the Beta wolf and held out his arms. Louis had no family to turn to, so Vincent, Eirene, and Ares took it upon themselves to be like his second parents people he could turn to and talk about things that he would with his mother and father.

"Haz cares so much about you, Louis . He most likely did it knowing you would do the same for him, like when you jumped off the cliff after Zayn. You did that because you knew if the situation flipped, Zayn would do the same for you."

Louis  nodded his head, then rested it on Vincent's  shoulder and pretended like it was his own dad, the one he used to know before Louis  told him he was gay.

"Harry is the bravest human I've ever met," Louis said with a tear rolling down his cheek. "He potentially saved my life today. How do I thank him for that?"

"By being his friend." Vincent rubbed his back.

"You're always there for him when he needs you, and now he'll need you more than ever."

Louis sniffed away his tears when Vincent's warmth finally started to comfort him.

"He'll be sad about Olivia. Do you think he'll be sad about not choosing to save her?"

"I'm glad he didn't, and that sounds really harsh, but she got shot in the head. Harry would have died if he did jump towards Olivia, but he had only known her for a few months. You mean more to him than what she ever did" Liam admitted, no longer stressed about Harry's leg not making a full recovery. His brother was alive, and that's all he cared about now.

"And you might have died too, Louis . The look on Zayn's face when he knew you were okay; I've never seen him so troubled when he thought you might have been shot too."

It was almost nine the next morning when Vincent  shifted, feeling sore and achy. He barely slept at all, and every time he started to drift into his dreams, his mind would jolt him awake to check on Harry.

The squeaky and uncomfortable wooden chair didn't help as he sought solace in such a stressful time.

Liam and Zayn slept in their wolf forms near the door, curled up against one another, wanting to be near in case Harry woke up.

Louis, of course, slept on the bed next to the human, feeling like it was his duty to be the closest and the first person Harry sees when he wakes. Though, he wouldn't call it sleeping. His body was shutting down due to exhaustion. Every time he closed his eyes, the image of Haz collapsing after getting shot hurt him, and troubled him for most of the night Vincent sat forwards, stretching and yawning, rubbing his stinging eyes. He smiled at Louis, who lay quietly next to his son.

Liam lifted his head, still in his pup form, and they all checked Harry who was still asleep.

"He's going to be in so much pain when he wakes up," Louis whispered.

"We have medication for him," Vincent said after another big yawn. "Quite a lot of it, actually."

"Good. he'll need-" Louis paused when a quiet groan came from the human. "Haz?"

Harry crumpled his eyebrows, experiencing a muddled state of mind. He felt fuzzy and very light headed.

Vincent leant over his son, gently cupping his face and moving hair out of his eyes.

"Hey," he said, calmly and kindly. Harry struggled to open his eyes, but the familiar voice encouraged him. "Do you know where you are?"

Harry glanced around his room as it bathed in daylight. His gaze landing almost instantly on the Beta wolf. He has never seen so much misery in eyes which were usually joyful and bright blue.

Now, they seemed dull and raw with the threat of tears.

"Louis" he croaked, too weak to bend his fingers around the werewolf's hand when it latched onto his. "You-You-"

"I'm fine," Louis  said, squeezing his palm, "and you will be too" He wanted to ask why he would jump in front of a gun for him, but the timing wasn't right. When the human perks up and gains more energy, they can have an intense and meaningful conversation about what happened yesterday.

They will handle Olivia's death with great care. Nobody knew how torn Harry would be about losing his girlfriend, even though he didn't know her for very long.

Liam stood next to his father, eager to talk to his brother, wanting to make sure he felt okay and understood that his family are there for him, but he stepped back when something felt unusual, something in the atmosphere was changing.

"Li?" Zayn whispered when his mate returned to his side, unaware of why the room suddenly felt so odd. "What's going on?"

"I don't know," Liam replied, knowing not to be afraid.

"Is your leg sore?" Vincent asked when his son whimpered in discomfort.

"Yeah" he breathed. His chest felt a little tight.

"W-What happened when I passed out? Did the angel fix it?"

"He did his best. The most important part is that your life is no longer in danger." Vincent avoided the subject of his leg not healing properly. "Everything is going to be okay."

Louis suddenly felt Harry's grip tighten against his fingers, and he noticed how the human turned his head to watch him with widening eyes. Before he could ask what was wrong, it hit him.

"Louis," Harry's words were barely audible. He gave the impression of being unsettled as he opened his mouth with a thumping heart and a shaky tone. "W-Why is your voice in my head?"

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