"The Malik's are a part of royalty because of you. We are a part of history because Liam needed you as his mate. To say you're a blessing is an understatement."

Zayn turned to his father, never thinking he'd smile in a place so full of misery, yet here he stood, beaming with a content heart.

He resembled Ares' best features. Piercing grey eyes, tall and muscular build, black hair, and symmetrical face. Zayn had his mother's smile, and her tanned skin, smooth and healthy, though he did look like a younger version of his father.

"Do you ever think they're watching us?" Zayn frowned, remembering that angels exist. "From wherever heaven is?"

"Yeah. I'd be a bit upset if my parents didn't check how their only son was doing from time to time," Ares chuckled. The thought of them watching over him was comforting. He would give anything to see them again.

"I bet they check to see how old you look."

"Um... which is not that old" Ares scoffed, nudging him. "I'd be in my sixties if we aged like regular werewolves."

"I'd be almost forty."

"Now that is a strange thought."

They glanced at the horizon for a moment more before Zayn started to shiver, still getting over his nasty flu. He was coughing and sneezing less as the days went on.

"Let's go home; you need something warm to eat." Ares was about to turn until a familiar smell wafted through the breeze. He held Zayn's arm and studied the trees to his right.

Zayn scanned them too, smelling another wolf.

"Who is it?" he murmured.

"I don't know, but I know that scent."

"Me too.!"

They remained still and silent until Zayn spotted the eyes of a wolf watching them through the trees. It took off quickly, leaving them listening to its large paws crunching the snow, getting quieter and quieter until the sound and the smell was gone.

"What colour was its fur?" Ares asked.


They backed away from the lake, suspicious and confused.

"Why was an Alpha wolf watching us? And why do I know that smell?" Ares hummed as he and his son climbed up the slippery verge and onto the bridge, crossing it carefully and exiting the other side back into the forest. "I don't know. Maybe it was just passing. It was on the edge of our territory."

"True, but it's still odd, don't you think?"

"Yeah. I can't remember who owns that scent."

Ares shrugged it off, not feeling in danger. "Maybe they were just curious. You are the mate of a God."

"Maybe." Zayn rubbed his hands together, ready to change into his wolf and run to keep warm.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──

Louis wrung the sponge out, watching the water pour into the bowl. Gently, he rubbed it along Harry's shoulder blades, washing his back with the warm soapy water.

"I've been googling how to massage legs. When your leg is doing better, maybe a massage will help," the Beta wolf said. He wanted to do everything he could to help Harry feel more comfortable.

The human smiled, enjoying feeling clean and fresh.

"That's really thoughtful Louis. Thank you."

"Maybe I'll learn some physio too, in case you need help when there's not a professional around."

"You don't have to do that."

"I want to; it'll make me feel less guilty because I know you hate it."

Harry looked up, catching Louis staring intensely, but the werewolf softened his gaze and dipped the sponge back into the bowl.

"A mate will help whenever they can, with whatever they can. It's my natural instinct to care for you," Louis said, wringing out the sponge and slowly rubbing it along Harry's collarbone.

"I guess I just need to get used to your werewolf characteristics."

"I thought you'd be used to them by now, but they have intensified since connecting the bond. I feel really protective of you even though I'm trying not to show it."

"I can feel it." Harry said, watching Louis' lips as the werewolf rubbed the sponge innocently down his chest. "But I like it."

Louis stopped when the human's affection elevated his heart.

"You do? Most people don't like possessive partners."

"You're not possessive. Zayn's possessive, but Li quite likes it, and he handles it by telling him off when he get's too much. Zayn doesn't mean to be that way. It's a trait of an Alpha wolf, isn't it?"

Louis nodded and said, "Tell me if it ever gets too much for you too. Alpha wolves show it more, but it is very common in every type of werewolf!"

"I will. I can handle you."

"I don't doubt that." Louis' eyes flickered to Harry's lips. For a brief moment, he thought
about kissing him, then remembered Harry could hear his thoughts, and he blushed.

"You can if you want. I know that a first kiss means a lot to you, so if the timing isn't special enough, we can wait"

Louis put the sponge in the bowl and lowered it to the floor. He shuffled closer, placing a hand on Harry's back and shoulder, slowly leaning him against the cushions. His skin tingled with excitement when he rested his hands on their side of the human, hovering over him.

"The timing is always special, Harry." With the nerves fuelling his adrenaline, and Harry's eyes staring at his mouth again, he moved his head closer until their lips brushed against each other.

"I've waited so long for this," he whispered, and Harry's heart melted.

"Then stop stalling." He tugged on Louis' t-shirt, and they kissed with all the meaning they could find. Time felt like it stopped so they could share this moment forever. It might not be Harry's first kiss, but nothing has felt as amazing as kissing Louis.

Their souls coiled and intertwined, knitting their minds and emotions closer together, as well as the heat from their bodies.

Louis always wondered what it would feel like to be so close to another person. He trusted Haz like he trusted Zayn, and for a Beta wolf, that is a big thing to admit.

After one long kiss, he pulled his head back enough for their lips to stay in contact and their foreheads to touch.

"I would wait another twenty years for that," he whispered, and Harry smiled, trying to push the emotions down, so he didn't get teary-eyed.

"I'm sorry you had to wait that long" The human moved his head and pushed it into Louis' shoulder, feeling the werewolf wrap him in his big arms, holding him tight.

"I would've waited thousands of years for you."

"I know." Harry's voice cracked, and Louis hugged him tighter. Harry never thought anyone would ever be so committed to him in his life, apart from family. He finally opened his eyes and saw how much Louis cared.

"I'm so sorry." Harry broke down and cried into his shoulder. The tears streamed, and his heart ached.

Louis said nothing. He could only comfort him, knowing that crying will be good for his mate.

Harry had been holding it in almost all day, as it dawned on him just how much he hurt the Beta wolf over the years.

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