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chapter twenty (xx) : girlfriend

'I won't, and about the creatures biting..might have to stay away from you because you know the whole vampire thing' I joked. 'you cant be serious darling, i wouldnt hurt a hair on your head. and if i was going to bite you it would be in much more romantic ways.' he laughed quietly at you teasing, he really was too soft around you to be able to take your teasing or banter seriously. 'I know you wouldn't hurt me love, your too sweet' I smiled

he pulled you into a tight hug again and kissed you gently, 'im sorry for worrying you, i dont know what id do if i lost you. i would have nothing, nothing but memories of you and grief over losing you.' his lips continued to linger on yours as he held you tightly to close, 'i cant lose you darling, i want to be with you forever...i want to die as an old man after a long happy life together, im not ready to ever let you go.'. 'You know with you having no heartbeat and'd think you wouldn't know your way with words but Christ don't you just. I don't want to loose you either darling you mean too much to me to loose' I said caressing his cheek.

'i couldnt afford to be unromantic, if i couldn't get you with my words then what other way would i have to seduce you.' he teased again before carrying on. 'and darling dont worry, i will be here for a long time yet, you wont have to worry about losing me, i plan to stay around as long as you will have me.' he smiled, looking into your eyes. 'Forever?' I asked. 'forever darling, im never letting you go. you mean so much to me, your the most important and one of the most fascinating people i have ever met. i love you and i dont plan on losing you any time soon.i said it once and I'll say it again, i want to remain by your side and grow old together, i really cant think of anything else i would rather be doing than this, i want to spend eternity with you.'. 'B-but sodo I won't be around for Eternity' I chuckled

'i said i wanted to, dont bring me down with your realism darling. even if theres no such thing as eternity i still want to spend as much time with you as i can for as long as you will have me.' he laughed, he knew what you were trying to get at but he refused to bring himself down with that thought. 'and you just watch, i bet i can find a way to make you immortal to. if anyone would know something about it, it would be me.'. 'If you do let me know' I smiled. 'oh trust me darling, i will. i will search for a way to keep you by my side for as long as i can. im sure there is a way to keep you alive even after i die.' he pulled you into another quick hug before speaking up 'lets go back and catch up with the others shall we? they are probably waiting for us right now.'

'I need to shower darling, you can I'll just catch you up' I smiled. 'oh right, you must be caked in blood and sweat right about now. ok darling get in the shower and ill try my best to ignore how badly i want to follow you and have a shower with you.' he said jokingly, he had no shame in that he wanted to do that. 'What happened to mr 'I don't speak because I'm shy'? You call that shy' I joked. 'i said i was shy, i didnt say i was a saint. your my girlfriend and i think you know by now how much ive grown attached to you. plus, it was a joke darling, I wouldnt actually do that unless you wanted me to.' he smirked at you, waiting for your reaction to his comment.

My face dropped as I realised he'd said something in that sentence. he noticed your sudden change in expression, he wasnt sure what he had said that had caused you to react like that but he didnt like it. 'dear is something wrong? did i say something weird?' he looked at you worriedly 'are you alright?'. 'Y-you said g-girlfriend?' I smiled.

he blushed from his slip of the tongue, he realised by his wording that he had basically called you his girlfriend. 'did..i? i didnt even notice that. well i mean technically i-no wait i mean um-yes, thats what i called you something wrong?' he still didnt realise how much he let slip out in that tiny word but he could tell this meant something to you. 'N-no nothings wrong..I like it' I said looking back up at him again with a huge grin on my face. he smiled back at you as he seemed to have a little better understanding of the situation. he was also glad that you were happy about his slip of the tongue because he didnt consider it a slip at all. he just wanted to make it official. ' it ok for me to call you my girlfriend from now on?' he smiled softly, his words were filled with affection and he hoped you would say yes.

I chuckled slightly before saying 'of course..can I call you my boyfriend?' I asked with a smile. his heart stopped. he didnt think you could have given him a better answer than this, not only did he get to be with you all the time but he was also now officially your boyfriend. 'y-yes darling, i would love to be your boyfriend...I would absolutely adore it'. he gave you a gentle kiss on the lips before speaking again 'i really do want you to call me your boyfriend, i would never consider letting anyone else call me that besides you. i want this to happen and i would love for this to be official...are we officially boyfriend and girlfriend then?'. 'I'd love that too' I told him truthfully

he smiled as he squeezed you tighter, 'then we're officially dating from now on, i want to make it clear that im yours and your mine, your my girlfriend and i am your boyfriend.' he kissed your cheek before squeezing you again as he pulled away. 'now i think a shower is due for you, i shall i give you your privacy to shower on your own'. 'Thanks pretty boy' I smiled kissing his cheek before telling him 'try not to miss me too much' jokingly.

'don't worry about that darling, the minute that door closes i'll be thinking about you and how much i want to be in there with you.' he smirked as he walked off to go and meet back with the others, he definitely wasnt going to take the chance to join you just yet he thought this was probably something that should happen at a later time. he walked off down the hallway as he spoke 'just make sure you dont take too long in the shower, otherwise I will miss you.'

'I'll try handsome!' I replied walking into my room. he smiled one last time before walking off, he was very intrigued by what you would be doing in there for so long. but he refrained from entering as that would be rude of him. he decided to join back with the others who, as he expected, were waiting for him and were waiting to know how you were doing. as he returned they all seemed to light up when they could see how happy and how much he was smiling. 'so how is she? are you dating yet?' he couldnt stop smiling to himself and his friends noticed. 'yeah, we're dating. she said it was fine and that she would love to be my girlfriend, we're officially dating.' he sounded so excited and was smiling from ear to ear as he spoke. it sounded like he really couldnt contain his excitement about the situation. 'oh my god sodo your actually dating?!' Swiss sounded excited and surprised by the news. 'i cant believe it, our shy boy has found a girlfriend.' Swiss said as he nudged sodo with his shoulder.

papas daughter { vampire sodo fanfic } Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz