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chapter eight (viii) : grotesque and macabre

the next morning as i woke up i was intrigued to know if he'd been again, i rolled over on my other side and looked at my watch on my nightstand. the time was 11:19 in the afternoon so id slept in pretty late. i rubbed my eyes, started stretching then got out of bed making my way over to my desk expecting to find nothing however there was a new envelope that had 'to my beautiful y/n' on the front of it.

my face almost dropped to the floor, i wasn't actually expecting him to write back but he did. i tore the letter open and read over the words. when he mentioned 'this 'beauty' you speak of is not there in fact it is the opposite of that, i am flesh and blood but not human and come from the depths of hell, i am grotesque and macabre.' i couldn't help but wonder what he meant. what was flesh and blood but not animal maybe? but how the fuck does an animal pick up a pen and write a letter and had a silhouette like a man? nothing does i'll spoil it for you. and what did he mean by 'they say chaos is an angel who fell in love with a demon but in chaos there is calculation, y/n love you are as clever as the devil but twice as pretty,
now tell me darling, are you afraid of the dark?
because in the darkness i wait for you'?

The question left me speechless, I'd never admit it to the creature of the night but his questions like this that made me so intrigued by him. the way his words had so with such detail made my heart beat quicker and the fact that no one else could see into my head like him was even scarier. I stared at the letter for a few moments before taking a deep breath. I couldn't help but think about the way he worded the letter, he wrote as if he was trying to make me scared of him or his presence and it wasn't working. The question asking if I was afraid of the dark made me think, and I came to the conclusion that I'd always been the most scared of darkness. But it was different with him, in the dark I felt like I was safe with him..

I let out a sigh as I folded the letter and left it on my desk as I took a quick shower however just like yesterday I couldn't get it out my head. I kept thinking about his words in the letter and how much they hit me. As i showered the last line kept echoing in your mind 'now tell me darling, are you afraid of the dark? Because in the darkness I wait for you' but the thing was, i had no fear anymore, the creature of the night made me feel safe as if whatever lurked in the darkness was no longer harmful. So maybe in a way, my fears had changed.

I got out of the shower and went back into my room, I went over to my mirror and started to brush my hair. I finished getting ready for the day by throwing on some sweatpants and a tank top as I went outside to smoke a cigarette. I sat on one of the steps and lit it as I stared off into the distance. My cigarette brought me a calming sense of peace as i sat on the step, my worries fading away when my focus shifted only towards the creature of the night. What was he going to do next? How long was he going to wait for me? What lies in the dark that had now become a comfort to you? Was it him? It was a lot to think about but i felt more comforted rather than scared now.

Those thoughts got me lost in my own mind and before I knew it I was taking the last drag of my cigarette. I got up from the step and made my way back inside to get properly ready, I threw on my sister of sin clothes and made my ways back down the hallway towards the dining room for dinner. the dining room was filled with the ghouls who were eating their dinner and talking loudy, some were arguing with each other and some were having normal conversations. They all paused for a moment when i appeared, but then they quickly returned back to what they were doing. papa was cooking up dinner still and aether was sitting at the table waiting for me to come sit down. He looked angry when he caught eyes with sodo, he was clearly still mad about yesterday 'what's up with you grumpy pants?' I chuckled sitting across the table from him

'Its nothing' he replied in a slightly annoyed tone of voice but he hid his emotions behind his sarcasm 'i just find it very frustrating how your so oblivious to all the things going on around you' he replied. 'Like what? Do enlighten me' I replied as I tucked myself into the table. 'Do you not notice everyone being off with each other, everyone is avoiding each other and they all look like they want to rip each other's throats out' he replied before taking a sip of his tea 'I cant believe your not bothered by everyone acting like this'. 'W-well it's really not my place to get involved unless..have I done something?' I asked him slightly upset at the fact he said I wasn't bothered.

'You haven't done anything' he replied shaking his head 'but its the fact you don't really try to get involved in the conversation and the problem solving' he kept looking at you 'and the way you act around everyone is strange and its like you can't really read the room, like you don't get their sarcastic jokes and your always so calm and unbothered by the chaos around you.'. I looked at him in confusion for a second. what did he expect me to do? 'I do get there jokes and it's not that I'm 'unbothered' it's the fact that I can't do anything, if you think there is something please do let me know instead of sitting there complaining' I replied with a slightly defensive tone.

'It's the way you act that makes no sense really, I mean look at you, your sitting here and you look so calm and innocent, it's like you don't care whats going on in the house around you. It's like you don't even want to get involved, you just sit there and watch the madness go on.'. 'Aether again, if there's something you think I can do let me know' I snapped. 'No there's nothing you can do about it, its just frustrating because it's like your not even trying' he replied

'Not trying? Are you serious?' I asked him seriously. 'Yes I am' he said sternly 'you dont even try to get involved in the conversation, you dont try and comfort everyone when they're arguing or when they look like theyre losing control. You dont try to comfort anyone and keep them calm, you just act like everything is fine and you dont care. And it's really annoying'.

'No, what you mean is I don't comfort you! Look I'm sorry if you feel like I do Jack shit but I work my arse off not just for you but for everyone! And if you have a problem with that you should've come to me directly instead of throwing a hissy fit that I don't 'comfort people' well enough' I told him with some anger as I stood up from the table

He looked at her confused for a moment as she snapped. 'I'm not saying you dont comfort people enough, I'm saying that you don't try at all' he corrected her 'and that you dont seem to care enough to even try and help anyone, you just let them spiral into an abyss of madness. You dont try and calm it down or help them figure out a way to fix it, you just watch it happen.' his tone was harsh 'And thats what frustrates me about you.'

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