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chapter four (iv) : silhouette

I woke up to a cold draft flowing through my bedroom, as I slowly blinked awake that's when I saw it, a man stood at the end of my bed..
I shot up, blinked a few times and just like that it was gone. 'Was I really that paranoid of the ghouls scaring me that I'm seeing things?' I thought to myself

I sighed as I fell back into my pillow trying to catch my breath before walking over to shut the window. One I got to holding the handle of the window that's when an important question popped into my head 'wasn't this window shut?'. As I pulled the handle in closing the window my breathing got quicker as I realised that my father did indeed shut the window so what was it doing back open? I couldn't have opened it because I went straight to bed..

I highly doubt that anyone else had been in either because I would have heard my squeaky door open and footsteps along the creaky floorboards. I closed the windows and got back into bed convincing myself that when I woke up it would all be in my dream and non of this was real. I closed my eyes and soon fell into that deep sleep I was in once before.


i woke up feeling quite odd, i wasnt sure whether it was just a strange bad dream or if it actually happened. the room felt really cold even though the curtains were shut. something did feel off although i wasnt sure what. i sat up in bed, rubbing my eyes and trying to shake off the lingering feeling of the dream, i glanced over at my clock and seen that it was still early so i decided to get ready early as well. i got out of my bed and made why way towards my bathroom when something caught my eye.

The piece of poetry I wrote yesterday now has an extra line 'forever haunted by the shadow of your love x' it read. I know I didn't write who did?
I doubt it was one of the ghouls or my father however it was a possibility. I stared at the extra line of poetry, a little creeped out but mostly confused. Who could've done this? I know nobody else came into this room and I know I sure as hell didn't write anything new on the piece of paper..maybe one of the ghouls came in while I slept to write something as a joke? That could be a possibility. But why would they write something like that? Why would they write something so specific like 'haunted by the shadow'? There was no way it could've been them, especially seen as tho I'd seen a silhouette at the foot of my bed last night. That's when it didn't come across as 'a coincidence'.

The fact it mentioned something so specific as being haunted by the shadow of the person's love struck me as odd. It felt like some kind of warning or..or a message. Whoever wrote it knew that I saw a shadow last night which is what sent my heart racing even more because the only person that would know that I saw the shadow would be the shadow. That's when I realized something very unsettling, even tho it was quite obvious, whoever wrote it had to of been the person at the edge of my bed last night. So that would mean it wasn't a bad dream and that it actually happened..

All I could do while I showered, got dried and dressed for the day was think about the poem and the extra line. 'forever haunted by the shadow of your love' I muttered under my breath as I thought about the poem, the fact the extra line matched exactly with what I saw last night was just terrifying to me. There was absolutely no way it was a coincidence that someone would write that without knowing what I saw. However I put it to a side as I walked down to the dining room for breakfast, I had decided that I wasn't going to tell anyone because i wanted to see if they would bring it up first if which they did would tell me that they wrote it and they would be responsible for the 'forever haunted by the shadow of your love x' line.

As I made my way down the hallways I entered the dining room, the ghouls and papa were busy eating and talking, most of them were arguing about random things which was typical for them. Aether looked over to me as soon as I came through and smiled 'oh look who finally decided to wake up'. 'Y-yeah sorry' I told them as I took my seat next to sodo who was to my left and papa who was sat head of the table to my right. Aether chuckled 'you alright?, you look like you've seen a ghost' he said as he went back to eating. Papa looked at me with a concerned little smile 'hunny are you sure you got enough sleep last night?'.

'Y-yeah I'm fine don't worry' I told them both before noticing an un familiar face opposite me 'oh shit, I'm so sorry..I'm y/n, you must be rain' I said holding out my hand. Rain looked at you for a moment before responding 'yes I am..' he took your hand and shook it '.. 'it's a pleasure to meet you' and immediately you noticed something odd, he felt ice cold. Not just cold, it was like he couldn't even produce body heat. My eyes narrowed as I just smiled 'it's good to meet you too...' I replied putting my hands back in my pockets. I took my attention away from rain and poured myself a cup of coffee and started drinking it without any milk or sugar. The ghouls continued to eat and argue about dumb things, aether looked over to you as you sat and ate your breakfast asking you 'why dont you use milk in your coffee?'

'Less calories plus it tastes better' I told him. 'Fair enough' he chuckled a little bit at that 'still weird tho' he replied. 'Your weird' I mumbled before taking a sip of my coffee. 'What was that?' He asked raising an eyebrow 'I didn't quite hear you'. I set my coffee cup down on the table 'I said your weird' I smiled. 'Says the one who doesn't use milk in their coffee' he chuckled. 'Says the one who wants to be healthy I think you mean' i playfully replied.

'Fine you won this one but I still think your a freak' he joked. 'It's an honour' I told him sarcastically placing my hand on my heart. He laughed a little bit before the ghouls began to argue again 'gods sake you three, don't you have anything better to do besides argue?' papa yelled over to them which made most of them quiet down. Aether chuckled at the fact papa snapped at them. 'What are they arguing about now?' I asked aether not wanting to turn my head to look at them. 'Oh just the usual, they're arguing about who has to clean up the table' aether said before taking another bite of his food.

'Can nobody just get along in this household? It's so god damn annoying' papa grumbled 'I clean up every morning and still you complain over the mess?'. 'Pops it's fine I got it, I'll clean up' I told him trying to put his mind at ease. 'Are you sure honey? I don't want you feeling overwhelmed by all of the chores' papa looked over to me with a small smile 'and I dont want you to think you need to do everything all by yourself' he added. 'I'm sure one of the ghouls will help, right?' I asked them all.

All the ghouls stayed quiet, except for one. After a moment of silence 'i'll help. I'll do plates and cups?'. sodo smiled. 'thankyou, at least one of you guys are helpful' I smiled looking to my right and locking eyes with him. 'no problem' he smiled as he quickly stood up from his seat and walked to the kitchen to wash the dishes, the ghouls began to mutter to themselves and aether smirked at you. As I finished my coffee I noticed aether smirking 'what are you smirking for?' I asked. He chuckled a little bit and looked away 'oh nothing' he replied 'i just think someone's got it bad'. 'Got what bad?' I replied confused.

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