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chapter five (v) : is there a boyfriend?

He chuckled again 'dont you know what having somebody bad means?' he replied 'it means your in love with someone or the opposite way around' he smirked again. 'Of course it would, didn't know I had mr matchmaker opposite me' I joked. 'oh shut it' he replied shaking his head while smiling 'just admit it, you think he's cute too' he said teasing me. 'You think because I smiled at the guy in head over heels in love?' I asked him seriously.

'the way you smiled at him i could tell it wasnt just a casual smile, there was some kind of feeling behind it' aether smiled 'and dont even try to deny it either, you find him attractive'. 'The feeling was 'thankyou for actually helping unlike some people at the table' I told him taking the dishes through to the kitchen' I told him. 'thats not the feeling i mean and you know it' aether laughed.

Once everyone had left the table sodo finished cleaning the dishes as I cleaned and set the table for dinner. Once we were both done we walked back to our separate rooms, I went and made my bed and tidied my room up a bit before sitting down at my desk. 'No one said anything' I told myself. That would only mean that whoever wrote it must have been that silhouette at the foot of my bed. The one person I hoped it wouldn't have been. I sat for a moment looking at my reflection in my mirror, my thoughts were all over the place but just one thought continued to linger in my mind. Whoever wrote the poem on my desk was whoever was at the foot of my bed, there was no doubt in your mind about that. But that only raised more questions, how would the person have gotten in my room? How long did they watch me? Why would they just write that poem and leave?

I tried my best to shake these unsettling feelings but it was all i could think about, the person who wrote the poem, the person at your foot of my bed. I couldn't figure it out. Your door was locked last night so there was just no way it could've been a ghoul. was something else entirely.

I didn't even realise but I was sat at desk for hours just wondering who it could have been and wondering what I could do about it. After I came to the term that I couldn't really do anything I got up from my desk and put on my cape then veil over my bandeau and safety pinned it down so it wouldn't fall down. I made sure my grucifix looked neat and visible which it did and made my way to the cleaning cupboard to grab the things I needed. I got out a cloth, floor cleaner and a mop and started running it along the halls of the ministry. As I got closer to the hallway near the dining room I heard Swiss, aether and sodo talking.

'He's head over heels for her' Swiss chuckled which caused all the aether to laugh slightly
'You don't get it, she's just so perfect, there's literally nothing about her that I would change if I could. She's got this smile that makes me happy seeing her do it and her eyes..pure ecstasy.'. 'Calm down man, you've only known the girl 24hours' aether chuckled. 'That's the thing, I know that I've known her for such short time but I feel like I've known her for eternity. She's so precious like a beautiful painting, I don't want to do anything that might make her sad. I want to spend all my time with her. I want to make her never stop smiling.'. 'Look we've warned her about you being clingy but don't push it, you met the girl yesterday and if you start telling her that your going to 'make her never stop smiling' then you might freak her out, don't scare her off already' aether said to him sternly.

'I know I'm trying my hardest to not let my feelings take control of me but I just can't help it every time I see her my heart races and I find myself just forgetting all my words.' He looked at aether with a small blush on his face 'she's just beautiful and her personality and manners are impeccable'. 'Of course her manners are impeccable, papa raised her can you expect and less?' Swiss chuckled before aether added 'I know you like the girl but like I said you met her yesterday, so don't push your luck'. 'I know I know, but she's so kind to me, I get this weird feeling when I look into her eyes that I never want to look away. I just get this feeling deep inside that this is it. This is the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with' he sighed slightly 'I don't think she feels the same way though'.

'Well we don't know that, she hardly knows you but the way she looks at you tells me she at least likes you as a person so far' Swiss told him. 'Wait really?' a faint glimmer of hope lit up his eyes. He couldn't hold back his smile anymore, this must have been the best day of his life, he was so glad he was here with his friends 'do you really think she likes me?'. Aether scowled at Swiss 'Look don't get your hopes up we don't know for she might have a boyfriend yet' aether said being the possible barer of bad news. Now his spirits plummeted from the high that was only just forming. 'She probably has a boyfriend back home and he's here falling in love for nothing.' Aether told Swiss with a hint of anger in his voice 'that's why you don't say 'oh you should see the way she looks at you'. Don't get his hopes up when they could be crushed!'. 'Jeez sorry' Swiss replied.

'You're probably right, why would a beautiful girl like her be single? Especially with how nice she is, any guy would want her' sodo sighed. 'What if I ask her if she's single? Would that be too forward?' He asked aether and Swiss, he already knew the answer that they were going to give him. 'no, dude, are you mad? That's the last thing you should ask' Swiss told him. 'But...' he tried to reason with them but neither of them were willing to concede 'but she's so pretty'. 'Sodo it's too early, pretty or not you hardly know her' aether told him sternly. 'But.. she's so nice and gentle and her personality-' he was trying to reason with them again. The fact that they weren't even letting him try to make a rebuttal was starting to annoy him but he wasn't going to let it break his stride. 'What if they had a crush on each other this entire time. That has to be the reason she's so nice. I've lost my chances' he frowned 'I can't lose this one I can't...'

'Sodo for fuck sake we're not saying don't talk and get to know the girl we're just saying get to know her before you start falling deeply in love with the girl just to find out she possibly has a boyfriend! You think I'd have told you to cut off a limb' aether told him getting angry himself. 'Fine fine! I'll just talk to her and get to know her, but what if I start liking her more and find out she has a boyfriend? What am I supposed to do then!' He felt his temper begin to flare up, the thought of her having a boyfriend just angered him 'it's gonna hurt a lot more knowing that she's already in love with someone else'. 'He has a point aether' Swiss added 'shut up you oaf! Sodo you have to stop getting so clingy towards people, get to know the girl and if she has a boyfriend let her'll have to' aether shrugged.

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