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chapter twelve (xii) : nuns,garlic and holy water

The next morning I woke up bright and early. 9:36 to be exact. I laid in my bed for a while before getting up and making my way over to the window to smoke a cigarette, as I was doing so I thought about what I would say when I found out and if I found out who the sweet creature was.

As my cigarette came to an end I put it out in the ash tray and went and showered. After the shower I changed into my uniform. the usual black velvet dress with a slit up the side, the devil horn habit, the collar, the grucifix and rope belt. I threw on some black eyeliner on my waterline and black eyeshadow on my eyelid. As I finished getting ready I thought about what would happen when I see that man again. Would he really reveal who he was or would he just stay lurking in the shadows forever? Would there be any way in which he might just tell me who he was tonight? I couldn't wait for him to come just to hopefully find out who it was once and for all.

Once I was finished getting ready I made my way downstairs to hear someone hammering on the door 'I'll get it!' I shout as I was closest to the door. I opened the door to find a women dressed in nun uniform..not like mine. 'Hello can I help you ma'am?' I asked and before I knew it she pulled out a garlic wreath and threw hold water on me. I wiped the droplets off my forehead before slamming the door in her face.

I was angry at the fact she'd just chucked water over me, holy or not it still drenched me. I walked into the dining room with a pissed off expression on my face. Papa saw me and got up 'sweetheart is everything okay? you look very upset' i looked pissed at this point, not only had i just been doused in holy water but i also had some stranger knock on the door, if that doesnt scream suspicious then i dont know what does. 'Not really dad I've just had some crazy women at the door throwing hold water at me' I said sitting down at the table with everyone.

'you have? why on earth would she do that?' papa looked shocked 'did she say anything?'. 'I think she was about to hit me with the 'may god guide you' but I slammed the door in her face' I sighed. 'i would be doing more than just slamming the door in her face. im sorry she did that to you.' he said looking at me with concern, 'are you sure you're ok? thats a very odd thing to happen'. 'garlic wreath?' papa looked at me worried 'is she by any chance a nun?'. 'Y-yeah but why would she wave garlic at me?..I mean I understand the holy water with her being a nun and all but..garlic?' I asked. at this point papa looked very concerned, 'sweetheart, did she say anything about the devil or anything like that?' he looked into my eyes, his expression very serious.

'No..w-why are you acting strange?' I asked him. 'i cant tell you why just yet, but im afraid you might be in real danger.' papa said in a serious voice 'please, you cant be alone at all, you need to stay with me at all times for the time being, until this whole situation is sorted out.'. 'D-danger? Dad my middle name is danger..' I chuckled before adding 'what needs sorting..d-dad what have you done that's so worrying?' I said concerned more for him. 'i cant tell you right now, but trust me darling you will understand soon, i swear.' he said with a pleading look 'but you need to stay by my side at all times from now on, please trust me on this.'.

'I heard you the first time but I'm not staying by your side until I know what's happened' I told him. 'but sweetheart please trust me, I don't wanna scare you and I also don't want to lie to you but you do need to trust me. your safety is at stake and i need to make sure you're safe.'. 'I trust you dad, you know I trust you more than anyone and that's why I hope you out of all people are gonna tell me what the fuck is going on' I told him sternly. papa looked like he was debating whether he should tell me or keep hiding it from me, finally he decided to just tell me rather then keep it from me longer. 'sweetheart please promise me you wont panic.'.

'I'm panicking now because you're not telling me, spit it out' I told him. 'ok, fine! but please promise you will remain calm the entire time I'm telling you, ok?'. 'Alright I promise' I told him meaning every word. 'now, the woman you spoke to was a nun correct?' He asked. 'Yeah..' I confirmed. 'and i assume you already know the significance of garlic to a vampire right?' papa asked. 'Yeah I've read the articles' I chuckled. 'so do you see why she was waving garlic at you?'.

I looked at him for a second and couldn't tell if he was being serious 'I'm not a vampire dad' I laughed. 'im aware, but that doesnt change the fact that she thought you were, right? im afraid I have some very bad news i need to tell you...', 'please sweetheart, dont panic or freak out or anything like that, but..' he paused. ''but what?' i was getting more worried and intrigued. why wouldnt he tell me what happened. 'but what? What is it dad?'.

'i'm sorry sweetheart, im really sorry.' papa seemed like he was really struggling to say what he wanted to say 'just try and remain calm, ok? and please dont hate me after this'. My face dropped as I realised that the conversation turned serious 'dad..don't say that I'd never hate you' I told him afraid that he'd done something terrible. papa looked away for a moment, like he wasnt ready to share the information, but finally he took a breath and looked back at me 'ok, im just gonna come out and say it, i hope you can forgive me for what im about to say...' and with that he suddenly took my hands and looked deep into my eyes 'the ghouls...and I...w-were"

papa couldnt finish his sentence, he looked so worried and ashamed and i could already tell that what he was going to say was serious 'papa...' i asked with a small smile, trying to keep both of us calm, 'just say it, you can tell me anything' I said trying to reassure him. 'sweetheart i have been...i have been hiding something from you all this time..' papa seemed like he was about to cry 'i dont want this to change the way you see me, no matter your reaction i still love you and nothing will change that and please...just try to be understanding, i dont want you to be afraid of me or think im something im not...but dear...'.

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