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chapter fifteen (xv) : the meeting

It was coming up to midnight so I grabbed my cigarettes, lit one and made my way out to the gardens. Once I got there it was pitch black with some lamps that softly lit areas of the garden, one of those areas being where I was sat. I sat down on one of the wooden benches. I could hear the crickets chirping in the distance as everything else was silent.

The silence was soon broken when a voice to my left said 'you came', that voice belonging to the creature of the dark. 'Of course I did' I replied walking over to him in the darkness. as i reached for his hand i could feel his skin being ice cold against my touch despite the warm night, he held onto my hand and pulled me in closer to him once i was close enough 'i was worried i might not see you here tonight, im very glad you came.' He told me. 'I find beauty in the grotesque and macabre darling of course I came' I told him walking into the light slightly. 'and do you find beauty in me?' he asked curiously, stepping closer to you as to get even closer into the light, a bright blue glow starting to radiate from his eyes

As he got closer I realised it was non other than who I thought it would be...sodo. My face dropped as I realised he had been the one this entire time. 'what's wrong sweetheart?' his bright blue eyes still glowing brightly, he looked at you with a worried look, his concern for you very clear on his face. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes before taking a step forward and bringing him into a tight hug, resting my head against his unbeating chest. 'I can't believe you would ask that, of course I find beauty in you' I told him.

he smiled softly as he felt your head resting against his chest, his hand stroking your hair gently as he held her. 'i guess i just like hearing you say it. its one of the things i like hearing from you, and i suppose i can say the same to you darling. i find beauty in your eyes, and your lips, and the way your hair feels so soft against my skin.'. I looked up at him with a slight smile before pulling away from the hug slightly 'I- I just don't get it..w-why didn't you just tell me that you were the one that I fell in love with, that you were the one that lurked amongst the darkness?' I asked as the tears in my eyes fell down my face.

'i was too afraid that if i did you would just look at me differently than you already did, that you would see me as some monster instead of the person you knew before all of this.' he said softly as he put his thumb under my chin. 'i didnt want it to change the way you thought of me, i didnt want it to change how you loved me. i want you to know that i still am the person you fell in love with. i just feel like i could lose you if you ever saw me for what i am.'. 'What you are is perfect, just because you're a vampire doesn't mean you're the very depths of hell do demons not love one another?' I asked

'they do yes but i was born into a world that feared and hated vampires and monsters, i was afraid you would do the same. but i think i may have been wrong.' he said softly as he cupped my cheeks with his cold hands 'do you still love and care about me? Even now you know what I am?'.I looked up at him before telling him 'Of course I do, darling i would steal the stars for you if i could'. 'oh darling if only you knew how lovely your words really were...I'm sure you could melt a heart just by being the way you are.' he looked at me deeply, almost as if he was admiring me, 'you were the greatest thing that happened to me, and even now that my secret is out and you know what i am i hope that doesn't change how you see me.'. 'Nothing can change how I see you' I told him running my warm hand over his cold cheek.

'i love you darling, i always will and nothing and no one will ever change that.' he leaned his head towards mine to kiss me on the forehead, his cold skin brushing against my warm body, it was a nice balance, 'will you promise me you'll still stay with me even now that you know what i am?'.

'Of course I will dumbass' I chuckled. he laughed as he heard you call him a dumbass before hugging you tightly, his cold breath tickling your neck as he brought you even closer to his body 'i am yours and you will always be mine, dont forget that darling.'. 'I could never forget' I told him. 'good darling...ill never let anything or anyone take you away from me, im not gonna let anyone hurt you.' he said softly 'i love you.'

I paused for a moment as he said that and looked up at him. 'what is it darling?' he asked as he also looked up at you, his eyes piercing through the darkness, waiting for your question. 'Y-you love me?' I asked with slight shock. 'i do darling, i have always loved you from the moment i first saw you, i just never had the courage to admit it to myself but now that i have finally accepted it i cant help but want to be next to you every day and make you know just how much i care for you.'.

My eyes softened as they filled up with tears 'I-i love you to..' I told him. he pulled you into him and held a hand to your face, wiping away the tears with his thumb as he caressed your cheek lovingly 'do you really mean that darling? do you love me truly?'.
'More than anything, vampire or not I fall in love with souls not faces. It's just a good thing I get both a beautiful soul and a very handsome face' I smiled

'sweet god i love you so much, you really know how to make a man melt.' he said softly bringing you in for another kiss, this time his cold lips pressed against your warm ones, his hands brushing your hair gently as he kissed you, 'there was never a doubt in my mind that you would accept me, and that's part of what makes you so special to me.'. he stopped and stared at you, holding you close against his body, 'i dont know what you see in me that you love me so much but i have never loved someone the way i love you darling, i could never hope to find someone better, im glad to see you see me in this way, and i will never take this love for granted.'

'I see everything in you darling' I told him.
'you really mean that sweetheart?' he asked as he lifted you into his arms and brought you close to his chest, his cold body pressed against yours.

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