When she heard him go back into the room she began hyperventilating while she held on to the counter and then her tears came out in shaky whimpers. She already dealt with being raped and for a sec there, she thought he was about to do that very thing to her, but thankfully he didn't... Maybe he would never go that far.
That night was even weirder for her because after she got up to use the bathroom and went back to bed, shortly after she was awakened by some sounds. After blinking a couple of times she heard a woman moaning but once the grogginess was completely gone, she heard herself moaning. Ocean Eyesss, Yesss!

I don't remember him recording us.

Then she heard Naruto moaning behind her and she felt the covers shifting up and down. "Mmmn, Ohh fuck Sugar Pop." She kept her back turned to him as she stared into the darkness but her body grew numb the more he hissed and groaned in pleasure.

Her eyes darted toward the exit of the closed door as she thought about making a run for it but that whole plan ended when she felt him grab her hand and release a huge glob of his saliva in her palm before wrapping it around his manhood. She wanted to puke but the racing of her heart & the freezing of her body paused everything around her.

Naruto used her hand to jerk himself off with his head thrown back. The sensation felt so good to him that he dropped his phone while using her hand to jerk him harder, and he started to moan louder. "Fuck, Sugar Pop!" With a few more strokes, he orgasmed.

"Mmmn!" He bit his bottom lip and held on to her hand a little longer, after easing his breath he finally released her hand, and then she hurriedly threw the cover off her, jumped out of the bed, and ran into the bathroom.

She locked the door and instantly began washing his sperm off her hand but she felt so dirty that she wanted to get into the shower as well. But the pounding on the door snapped her out of her stunned state.


Naruto banged on the door. "If I knew you were up, we could've had sex." She knew that he was smirking and it made her throw up this time. She kneeled and lifted the toilet seat.

"Hinata..." The wiggling of the doorknob became more intense as he tried getting in. "Open. this. door." His sperm dried on his chest & stomach, and it was starting to irritate him, he wanted to wash the shit off.

She finally stood and rinsed her mouth out, the door was opened but she was met with a hard slap across her face.

"When I tell you to open this fucking door, you listen!" He snatched her up by her hair and slapped her once more. "I'm so sorry Naruto—Ocean Eyes, Ocean Eyes." She immediately corrected herself and threw herself onto his right leg as she apologized for calling him the wrong name. "Ocean Eyes I'm so sorry."

Everything he just did and the fact that he was still naked, went away. She didn't wanna be punished with a simple mistake but sadly, it never worked that way.

"Calling me by the wrong name again?!" His voice thundered with rage and she shivered before clutching his leg tighter out of fear.
"No, No, No. I promise-" She was cut off when he dragged her into the tub and turned the water on and after plugging the tub he pinned her down until the water filled up.

"Ocean Eyes, please don't do this!! I'll never call you by the wrong name again, I swear!" Her voice shook with anxiety as she grasped his wrist and kicked her legs to try to escape from the tub. As the water got higher and higher, it made her even more desperate. "Ocean Eyes!" Her lips trembled as tears spilled down both sides of her cheeks. "Please..."

The water finally went past her face and instantly went into her mouth. She tried speaking but the water going down her throat was preventing her from doing so.

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