"This is Joseph," she replies.

Joseph offers his hand, and I shake it. "Hector," I reply, making sure that my grip is firm. I don't know the guy, but I don't like how he's hanging around.

I want the man gone.

"I'll go check some things out. I suppose we'll have to rain check our date?" Joseph asks, smiling at my woman.

Date? She's dating this dude? When the fuck did this start? The detective never mentioned this.

"I'm afraid that won't be possible," I interject. "There must have been some confusion. She's not available."

"Hey," Leila rasps. "Don't do this, Hector."

I keep my eyes on Joseph, who is turning redder by the second. Angrier. But what the fuck is he going to do? He might own a gun and have some cop buddies at the precinct, but I could buy any senator I want overnight. We are not on equal grounds.

"I'll text you," Joseph tells Leila. His eyes shift to me. "Sorry to hear that your company doesn't want you as it's CEO."

Oh, he wants to play?

"Sorry I've fucked your sweetheart."

"Hector!" Leila gasps, before stomping away from us and our dick-measuring contest. I follow her, confident that I won.

"Fuck off!" She says over her shoulder.

"Wait!" I yell, catching up to her. "I'm sorry, alright? I just had to make sure he didn't come back. I didn't mean to embarrass you."

Her eyes are fire as they lock on me. I wonder if they looked like this as she tossed Grace around.

"You need to worry about your own love life."

"You are my love life, Leila. I came running as soon as I heard you were here."

She squints. "And how exactly did you figure that out?"

I shrug. "I have connections in the police department. I got a call."

That's not exactly a lie.

She rolls her eyes. "Go take care of Grace, then. Your girl needs you."

I smirk. "You can't be mad at me for being jealous when you are jealous yourself."

"I'm not jealous," she grits before turning around.

"Wait. Wait. Let me drive you home."

She sighs. "Listen, I'm alright. Don't worry about me. I hope the past few months have been good to you but we don't have any business together anymore. Thank you for your lawyer. Please send me the bill and I'll pay you back, although it might take me a while."

"Let me drive you home and the debt will be settled."

She purses her lips, glaring at me like I'm impossible. And I don't blame her because I'm as guilty as charged.

"Just a drive home?" She asks.

"And maybe offer me a glass of water? I'm thirsty after hauling ass here to save you and preparing my muscles to pummel through your lover-boy."

She rolls her eyes. "Don't push it, boss." She says the word mockingly, but I cherish the sound. Because it has been months since she has been in my office, working together with me.

"Come. I'll lead you to my car."

I send my lawyer a few final texts and set my palm at the small of her back. She shudders, but doesn't jump away. That's my small victory of the night. A small step forward.

"Are you going to destroy this car like you did the other one as you sped like a crazy man?"

I chuckle. "No. I only break traffic laws to get to you. All is well now that you're with me."

She's silent after that. I open the car door for her, and she mutters a thank you. I walk around to the driver's side and pray that a tire goes flat so I have more time to spend with her.

The drive is silent, much to my dismay. She seems exhausted, and I don't want to disturb her.

I park my car and walk her up the stairs to her apartment, noting again how the area is not the safest.

"Well, thanks for the ride," she says, keeping her head low.

My eyes shift to the door. I notice it's creaked open. I gently push Leila aside and open the door. It's dark in here, but I can tell the place has been ransacked. She's been robbed.

"Wait here," I order and walk inside.

I hear her gasp as she realizes what's going on. The apartment is empty. The thieves are long gone. There's no fucking way Leila will sleep alone here tonight.

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